Sunday, July 2, 2017

Adulting Is Easy

Well, folks, I started my first real job. Holla back for adulting! [Now watch THIS.]

It's really not as chaotic as they said. (Bearing in mind summer is NOT the busy season - most people skip town because it's literally a thousand degrees here.) My coworkers are nice, I got some free polos, and I can pretty much keep up with everything that's going on. I just have to figure out the quirks of the place, otherwise it's basically what I've been doing for the last two years.

It's a HarryPotterversary!
Also check out the free polo.

It's nice to only work 8 hours a day. (As opposed to school + work + HW, which ends up being most of my waking hours usually.) I got a free gym membership with my job, so I've been going every day. I've had time to read, write, garageband, etc. It's quite liberating.

The family I live with is rather pleasant as well. We do family dinners together and they don't mind when I play their out-of-tune piano. Autumn and I went to a pool party on Saturday in order to make 6 friends that will play Get Out Games with us - but turns out she has more friends than she thinks, so I think we more than hit our quota. (I also got Autumn to start watching Galavant, which she loves).

This is Ben. He's half gorilla.
We don't talk about it.

The Krempy and I FaceTimed this week, which is always a highlight. He's always trying to help me out with something, but I just like talking to his cranky old face. What a guy. One day, I hope to be as delightful as him. (No promises, though.)

Carolyn is my favorite person who knows my favorite snacks.
Best housewarming gift EVER.

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