Sunday, July 30, 2017

Camping: Intents

If you didn't know, I have terrible self-control when it comes to books. Hence why acquiring a library card was my first order of business upon arrival to Arizona. Unfortunately, I'm tryna read the Wheel of Time series and the entire Maricopa county only has ONE copy of the books, and there's three people in front of me waiting for the first book. I hate waiting for books - let me at 'em. I'll finish them in a day (2 max), and hand them right back you leechrats.

Dat calf tho

As far as work goes, I've almost got everything for my AZ licensure, my PT school apps are underway, and I'm really getting the hang of this. I actually don't mind working - it's fun and interesting and we need more athlete/younger patients, but that'll come in the fall. For now though, full-time employment isn't as terrible as I'd thought.

We're at least a 9.

Autumn, Cenita, AJ, and I drove up to Flag for our ward campout on Friday. Tents were up in no time, rain tarps secured (thanks to extra rope we had in the hammock bag), and we were off adventuring. And by that I mean walking really slowly on moderately stable ground and climbing into hollow trees together.

AJ hated this. 

The Flagstaff crew was supposed to meet us up there, but we ended up with only a few reps. We built a fire, and in true Naomi form, I stayed close to it all night. I really am a lizard. I even drifted off a few times - next to the warmth and amidst the chaos - it was like being at home.

I hated this.

We went adventuring again in the morning. Things are less fun if you can't do the fun things. And by that, I mean my knee is still broken. We did find a dead squirrel, a bendy tree, and a lost army man belt. Other than that, we kind of just chilled and talked near the fire for a while before taking down camp.
Cenita had a dream that I stole all her socks.
After a cramped car ride back (adding Bryan to our car load), we showered and napped at Cenita's place. Her mother prepared a plethora of waffle mix for a baby shower that was left over - and later enjoyed by yours truly.

And then I put on the skirt she wore to prom.
Robert's baptism was the last stop of the evening. He's a pretty chill dude and very unassuming. And since I liked him, I reluctantly accepted pianist responsibilities with mediocre success.

This is her nightmare.

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