Sunday, September 10, 2017

A Week With No Visuals

Speed round. Work is flying by - and my coworkers have begun the "fun fact of the day" 30 day trial period to learn about my life. They're getting tired of me skipping songs on our Spotify playlist. And I'm getting tired of country.

I got a new calling this week, which I was keeping secret until Jake blurted it out to everyone. I am now the Activity Committee Co-chair - which means I get to decide what fun stuff we do. Bart asked me for my initial thoughts, and I spouted off about 15 great ideas. I'm ready.

A bunch of my friends left for college this week or last. The Grovers headed out Wednesday morning, so we had a movie night at their house beforehand. And I made cookies that day.

Cen and I hadn't hung out in a while, so we met up at a park when her classes were cancelled Thursday night. She gave me the tour down memory lane and the DL on her current life.

I heard nothing of raucous partying on Friday, so I went to Home Depot and started building myself a mini trebuchet. Which is a lot harder than it sounds, woodworkers be warned.

The Wheel of Time series is still solid. I get into a rage every now and again, and I've noticed that it usually happens when people try to control other people. Apparently, I appreciate agency. Which makes sense, all things considered.

As part of my continuing education (funded by my work), I attended a scraping workshop on Saturday. All day. Basically, a group of 10 humans with minimal clothing rubbed coconut oil ALL OVER each others' bodies with variously shaped butter knives. It's therapeutic, I promise. And very greasy.

After, I met up with the gang at a restaurant. We played Totally Insane back at the ranch. And then headed to a church for some volleyball, which I played dumb at - and hated that about myself. One day I will play sports again with some level of competitiveness. Not yet.

And today, I relaxed. I read a book. I watched Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration, one of the greatest cinematic wonders to ever grace this world (along side Emperor's New Groove). I drank a delicious smoothie. And I tickled the ivories a tad.

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