Monday, December 2, 2019

Today Was A Good Day

Thanksgiving is MGH’s favorite holiday for a reason. We had an academic Friendsgiving (with calligraphied invites) on Sunday with homemade pizza and nachos and the game. Then my FHE dad is the descendent of a French chef and he pulled an entire feast together solo. What a champ.

Best pizza I've ever had. Hands down. 
 I skipped part of class to get an MRI & follow-up, which told me I was 2/3. Full ACL, partial MCL, no meniscus. Surgery to come.

 Roger spent the day with me while I was waiting for my appointment and helped me prep the Thanksgiving rolls. He got a little excited and started making all kinds of wonky rolls, but was mostly disappointed that his butt roll didn’t turn out.

What a creative guy. 
 After a long and uneventful drive, I got to St. George right in the middle of the 1986 banger Big Trouble in Little China. It was ridiculous and quotable and I picked the wrong guy to be. Then Deek and Shan presented their best short film yet, it’s a must watch.

Me. Just wait, my head blows up. 
Thursday was a day to relax. Aurora and I watched a movie and a half. She’s getting cuter. Kevin the Drinks Guy brought just enough drinks for the dinner (and downed half of the bottles himself). The whole family contributed to the twice baked potatoes that weren’t quite as good as the normal potatoes from the “20” pound bag Hannah brought. Hannah and Markies made the turkeys, Greg’s crew made the casseroles, and Shannon made the desserts (which we saved for later).

 While the kids were playing a six-hour adventure game, Hannah and I watched the Report, did our HW, Kevin served his entire mission, and I grew a beard. And they still lost.

 We did some Black Friday shopping with Hannah, Shan, and Mac. No purchases were as crazy as the parking lot, bless up for the expectant mothers reserved spots. We ate at Olive Garden and I got some things I needed for real life. Including a haircut, as provided by Hannah.

Just happy to be here. 
 Saturday morning we cleaned and left St. George. I had to pee pretty bad by the time I was in Kanab, so I stopped at Brandi’s grandma’s house. Nobody was home, so I used the spare key to let myself in and then got it stuck in the door. Yikes. We got it figured out and then I made it to Page around 5.

The view. 
 We had a lovely movie night watching LadyHawke, which is a repeat. I went to church with their family and watched Roger get called out for not bearing his testimony in a while. We saw the new Jesus movie and took a nap.