Sunday, January 24, 2021

Two Days Left

 This week is the same EXCEPT THAT IT'S MY BFF's BIRTHDAY. Her name is Lauren Bellon, for anyone that was unclear and one day we will go to Thailand together. Thank you, this has been a PSA. 

The boys coming in clutch. 

She said the best part of the birthday celebrations were the birthday handshakes. I can't compete with that, but I can write a long poem about all our adventures together (which will one day be compiled as chapters in Lauren's biography) in which I called out Poop Guy. And if you need more information on THAT, it's one of Lauren's most infamous dates - who still thinks he has a chance. (Yeet.)
"Little did you know, I'm not an Olympic lifter." 

We got to hang out THREE times this year. It's a record. And much better than the last year, when I only had hilarious Facetime screenshots to post as pictures. (You're welcome). And where would we be without this gem:

Lauren missed me on my mission. 

Anyhow, I hoped it was a good week even though the presents I sent won't arrive for 7-60 days. 

In other news, I'm still chugging on my last clinical rotation ever. And it's going pretty well. Flagstaff is getting a ton of snow, but I drive on the highway most of the time, so it's not too bad. 

But I've also been spending so much time studying that Roger feels neglected. Pray for him and pray for me to do well on my $1000 National Board Exam (on Tuesday) so I never have to take it again. Thanks in advance. 

Good things to come :)

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Study Break

 Week two of clinicals and not much to report. Do I know what fun is anymore? None of us are sure. All I know is unpaid labor and mind numbing studying (with occasional snack breaks). The nice thing is that the format of this clinic allows for a little more time to study so I can work out sometimes too. Hopefully after next Tuesday, it'll all be over. (Mostly). 

My favorite things. 

The good news is that Roger still likes me even though he feels somewhat neglected. And we got to eat steak twice this week. We used some gift cards to eat some Texas Roadhouse - which is always a win. Then on Sunday, he made a home-cooked steak feast for two, which we enjoyed as we watched Mr. Popper's Penguins - which I will recommend. 

Me having a good day. 

Monday, January 11, 2021

Hunting (part 4/infinity)

I have officially started my last clinical rotation at Carter Rehab with my guy Joe, who will hopefully let me graduate come March. I have my big test set up for the end of Jan (minus $1K), despite Veronica's "help". And I am getting vaccinated on Tuesday. Yay. 

Roger's favorite part of hunting with me. The snacks. 

The week went by pretty quick and it's cool to see all the changes they've made to accommodate Covid and their susceptible patient pool. Also cool to see all the weird neurological things they're dealing with here. Definitely a unique scenario. But it's interesting and, more importantly, it's chill. 

Me hunting again. In glasses since my contacts aren't in yet. 

Roger was sad that his last week of hunting was unsuccessful. But he has been ridiculously lucky (and undeterred by school) in the past, so he'll get over it. Plus, he's got lots more hunts in the future, so he'll be fine. 

Sunday naps. Don't tell Roger I posted this. 

He was excited that I got to go with him on Saturday, even though I'm the worst hunting buddy. I'm bad at glassing because I can't see anything and we don't speak in the same directions. And I'm bad at hunting because it's hard to be quiet when you can't feel your feet and your pants don't fit right, so you can't really move. Plus the knee makes the downhill challenging. All to say - don't bring me hunting if you want to bring home a deer. 

Hunting. Again. 

Other exciting news is that I am most likely doing a Ragnar in August ("most likely" bc I'm still finalizing the details). So Roger's going to help me train. He's especially exciting about the 6.5mi loop that gains and then loses 3K feet in elevation. And also the plunger fUncle Aaron got us off our registry has already come in handy. So thanks for that.