Monday, July 15, 2013

Oh la la!

     From this point forward, according to the inspiration and knowledge afforded me, I have decided to switch up the letter writing a bit. I will try to provide one insight on the French people and one cool story a week and some cool highlights, of course. If I forget sometime, feel free to reprimand me and then show me an increase of love. Thanks. There's just too much to write about.
     French insight: they all secretly speak really good English. Every week, more and more people surprise me with their knowledge of the language and its refreshing but at the same time, I want them to speak to me in French so that I can learn better. They give up really easily and won't even repeat what they said once. Great. But also, I apparently have a strong Eastern accent and its hard for them to understand my English; which is usually only used during English class or talking with my companion. Apparently I don't pronounce all the letters in words. Who knew? Not I, said the Little Red Hen.
     Story: We helped the Cambouris move this week. It pretty much took us all of two days. Between that, our Zone Conference in Geneve, and our three trips to Bellegard for Pascal, we had very little time to teach or study. But it was worth it and the help was well appreciated. People here just live a different lifestyle and don't value strength training quite as much as in the U.S. Lets just say Soeur Layton and I had an easier time moving things. I mean, we're both tall and strong and used to moving heavy objects, and it went a lot faster when we helped with the heavy lifting. They kept trying to help us, but those were the lightest couches I have ever moved.
    Highlights: In our service work at the thrift shop, I found my new winter coat for a single euro. It's not pictured here, but it's white and warm and serviceable. I'll leave it here afterwards too, but it beats buying a winter coat I won't ever use.
      It was Soeur Buenanotte's birthday at the Zone Conference this week, so we sung her a rap. Soeur Layton and I hid on the balcony and in the closet and came in as the special feature to the other sister's part. You can call me White Tyga if you want. Just kidding, it's Sister Hutchins to you. 
Swear I am not on drugs in this picture. At Scout de Cluse. This section looks kind of like a warehouse, but a little to the left is a mountain of bags and boxes of clothes we are sorting through. By mountain, I mean actual mountain. And all the clothes they don't use are sent to Africa. Cool. Also, all the clothes are in really good condition.
     Pascal is getting baptized this week! She's so ready. Her cousins are members in Lyon and so she already knows all the things we teach her and even gave up coffee when she started meeting the missionaries. She is adorable and just lovely. I feel like she's already a member because her house is filled with the Spirit.
      Sunday I gave a talk and played the piano in church. Frere Colignon laughed at me because I told him I don't speak French or play the piano. Haha. He's awesome! He is our DMP that just got back from vacation and he is so willing and ready to work. He just has this aura about him that's so comfortable and welcoming. Even in French. I can actually understand a lot of what he says. Yesterday was French Revolution and this weekend it Tour de France here, so its gonna be crazy!
Bellegard Gare
     Spiritual Insight: This is like the added bonus feature that you watch the whole movie just to see. I have a couple for you. First, I am realizing more and more what it means to rely on the Lord-totally and fully rely on the Lord. It makes such a difference. When you realize how little of an impact you make by yourself, versus all you can accomplish with the Lord? The difference is huge. It takes a little struggling to realize completely just how much we need Him. Which is a testimony  to me that there must be opposition in all things. We have to have bad days to recognize just how good the good days are. After you've been healthy for a while, you forget what a blessing it is until you get sick again. Like that. Try to remember how good it is to be healthy and maybe you don't need to get sick as often. Maybe. This works for all things spiritual and physical I think. Mainly be grateful.
     Finally, in my reading of Jesus the Christ-still highly recommended to all audiences-an article was mentioned concerning the miracles in the Bible. For believers, we don't need proof that they exist. For nonbelievers, its just a story. But by examining each miracle as you would scientifically decide the purity of gold or the validity of a pearl, every single miracle in that story is authenticated and validated. Chouette, no? Its in chapter 11 if you want to look it up. Hint, hint.

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