Monday, August 19, 2013

Obedience is Freedom

Soeur Hutchins in Old Annecy
     Ask me how many pictures of Soeur Layton I found this week? No don't. Like her future children, they are as numerous as the sands of the sea-and hidden everywhere in the apartment. Thank you for all the joy you continue to bring to my life. 
     It's hard to remember my French Facts, but here's one that I don't think I've used before: They are obsessed with orange juice. Don't get me wrong, I love orange juice. But it's a little over the top. They would drink orange juice over water any day. I'm gonna have to push it down, behind water, milk, smoothies, and root beer floats. 
Blues Conference with Soeur Swenson and Elders Lago and Herring

  We had Blues Conference this week. For those who aren't familiar with such occurrences, let me explain-in France, the new missionaries are called 'blues'. Blues Conference is when all the missionaries who just began their second transfer gather to give us some final teachings as we continue to serve and eventually, train. And oh, what joy and what marvelous light there was! The four of us who served in the MTC together rejoiced in seeing that we were all still alive-and more importantly, that we were all still brethren in the Lord. Much like the sons of Mosiah and Ammon, I believe. I would vouch for any one of them. The missionaries from the other districts-eh. But for Soeur Swenson and Elders Lago and Herring, I can testify that these are some worthy servants of the Lord. Interesting fact for all: as my companion was the only one there who does not speak English, or at least professes not to (I've had my doubts), I translated the whole conference for her. As Frere Colignon says, I speak very well and understand considerably less. In thinking on this and studying Preach My Gospel, it has come to my attention that not only should I be praying for the Gift of Tongues, but also Interpretation of Tongues. Shesh! In the words of my father, Hello! McFly! That being said, I still understand quite a bit. The various accents take some getting used to and my vocabulary is still petite.
Old Annecy

     We also visited Soeur Cambouris this week, a member who recently moved. She's been working on fixing up the garden by her house, so we volunteered to help her out. And by that I mean we spent just over two hours shoveling and moving a huge pile of gravel to various places in the garden and off the driveway. We didn't finish, but we did most and she called it a day. I have nice blisters to remind me of it. Boy do I love physical labor. I was so grateful for the opportunity to help her out with that. When we were outside, it was so hot that my body used up all available water resources to fuel the pump. On the extremely rare occasion that we took a break to re-hydrate inside, it all came out. I have never seen myself sweat quite like that. It was like someone poured baby oil all over my skin. I used so many paper towels to dry it up, but it kept coming until we left the house. Or maybe I forgot about it because I had  two tons of gravel to replace. Reminds me of the Phantom Tollbooth. But it felt good.
I also made banana bread this week. And was completely offended when S. Sovaleni called it banana cake. Please. Cake indeed.
ATTENTION. A while ago, I used to just do a brief scan of letters, so for anyone in the same depths of sin, capital letters should do the trick. Since I've been here for a transfer, I'm kind of in charge of finding things. Let me tell you, the map is well used. Tickets are double and triple checked. It may be just because that's how I am, and I usually freak out about things like this, or because I have extra responsibility. But I check that map several times in the same block usually. In connection with that, let me tell you about two talks I read recently. First, L. Tom Perry: "[Heavenly Father's] goal is our eternal happiness and His commandments are the road map." How often have you checked the road map? Are you sure you're still on the only path to the destination? Or are you trying to take side routes without a glance, hoping you'll get there eventually? I testify to you today that there is one route to get to eternal happiness and that is to follow the example of the Savior, Jesus Christ. And I challenge all of you to check your progress. Read the scriptures, pray, go to church, and obey ALL of the commandments with all of your heart. Only then is the final goal possible. 
     In the second talk, President Monson says, "There is no need for you or for me, in this enlightened age when the fullness of the gospel has been restored, to sail uncharted seas or to travel unmarked roads in search of truth." We have the truth. We have the map. Put your man pants on and handle it. 

Band in Old Annecy

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