Sunday, December 20, 2015

How are your exams?

Fine. They're so fine. I was literally not even worried.

All my exams were scheduled, one a day basically, until Thursday: Chemistry, Lower Extremity Injuries, another practical exam, French, and Therapeutic Modalities. For the minimal studying and worrying that I've done, I'm not mad. I'd much rather my schedule than my roommate's, who studied 14 hours straight for just one of her exams in order to get a 4.0 for the semester.

In the middle of the week, while I was relaxing instead of studying, my roommates found out that I'd never seen Nacho Libre, so we watched it. Really we watched it so that I could use pieces of it in Episode 2 of How to Pull A Handcart 101. Several sketches are now written, FYI.
Remember how I wrote a rap for my teacher about a random guy in 2 paragraphs of our textbook? Well, his family contacted me this week. His daughter happened to Google his name and found the rap. She messaged me via Facebook, asking about the project. Meanwhile, a grandson subscribed to my channel and commented on the video. But most importantly, my teacher, Dr. Draper, loved it. He asked me to send him a link. The song was stuck in his head for dayyyysssss.
I sold some textbooks back for more than what I paid for them. I'm a rich man :)

I went to lunch with my favorite couple, John and Sarah, and John's roommate, Jacob. We went to Old Spaghetti factory, which was originally built at an old train station apparently. We like to tease each other. Jacob apparently said he wanted to be the victim today so he could have all the attention. Well, he asked for it...

Star Wars. No spoilers here, but it was a good movie. My favorite character is Po. Hilarious. Before the movie started, some kids were chucking jelly beans at people and I caught one. Anytime people cheered or yelled things, we turned to each other and said, Bean 'em! 
My google account joined the light side.
This applies to Google maps, apparently.
When I got home, Lindsey wanted to hang out. So we watched the end of Divergent and the whole things of Terminator Genisys, which I think is appropriate for this technological age.

Sarah, John, Lindsey, and I played HeadsUp, which is always a laugh. If you're wondering, Margaret Thatcher is the Iron Lady. Who knew?

I borrowed the last book of the Lunar Chronicles and, as usual, finished it within a day. I ran to return it to my friend's house, without realizing beforehand just how far I would be running. A few miles later, I dropped it off and started off on the few miles back. Yeahhhhh, physical activity!

I finished the third part of my twenty-five part squid painting series, which I will be giving to Derek for Christmas. Rachel May and Kevin Sanderlin are next on the list, so if you want one, you better sign up quick. Pictures next week, since Derek hasn't seen it yet.

I was listening to Harry Potter on tape while checking tasks off my list. Reminded me of the good old days when I would listen to the audiobooks to fall asleep or while I was cleaning my room, or whatever. I made banana bread from some old bananas. Yum.

I set Greg up on a date with my mission friend, Sarah Bagley. I want that to happen so bad.

After their date, Sarah and I met up for a reception for the eloped Elder Adamson. He didn't seem too keen on talking to mission friends. Probably because we're all mad he eloped. I did get to know Mattias Behling better. Sarah and I questioned him relentlessly. He's funny. He seems very shy, but sometimes says things that are rather bold, but in his quiet, unassuming way. We hogged the photo booth and touched all the homemade toffee.

Sunday I went to church with Greg and Vay and Alexis from my mission. Guess who was voted most disruptive? Still me. I made it past Sacrament. But I just get fidgety when I sit with family members.

Here's a little known fact about me. Unless you actually know me. My favorite game is "Remember when..." which is where we just tell stories about doing ridiculous things. The entire fam loves to remind each other about terrible things we've done to each other or trends we've tried to start. In celebration of this, our favorite pastime, we've been brainstorming the game, GUILT, which will soon come to markets, and be funny to no-one but us. It's a card game that associates family history events with "guilts". Winner is the person with the least guilts by the end of the game. We have to finish it fast, because anyone who wants to marry into the family will have to play this game first.

Here's my new favorite pick up line. Even though it's not entirely appropriate, it's dang funny. Vive la France.

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