Sunday, March 11, 2018

Getting Hyped

Hannah Merrell is a blessing. I'm glad she sees visiting teaching the way I do - because we just had a bomb pizza party with our girls. And Autumn made chocolate oreo cake balls that were delicious and lasted me the entire week. Needless to say, it was a good week.

Autumn and I were also able to figure out that one of our VT's numbers was wrong (because she finally showed up to church and we cornered her). So we got that handled.
Family goals, complete with neighborhood pedophile.
Rod was absent from Institute AGAIN. That man needs to tell me when he's gone because then I don't need to show up. Worst.

We brought the ward to ward basketball. It was a bunch of semi-athletic spazzes breaking their OWN ankles. My game was a little cleaner than the previous.

This was the literal best thing that happened. 
Chance is learning to play the piano. Maybe he'll practice more than me and become a prodigy. Maybe not.

We played basketball with our old lady friends and the teams were actually fairly even. Which was nice.

SWOLENATION began with our kickoff on Thursday. Which was AWESOME. Chris, my personal trainer from Mountainside, just killed it. What a good way to start our fitness challenge. (And we ended the night with some Taco Bell, so win-win-win-win.)

The real SWOLENATION crew. 
Friday was a long day. I decided I need to start actually waking up when we read family scriptures because I get garbage sleep afterwards anyways. Then I worked. Then I worked out with my dapper middle to youngish aged friend named Peter. And he blew my brain with some new JavaScript stuff. Then I went to CCV where I'm starting again as an ATC for their youth football league which is the biggest stresser of my life. Then I watched a few episode of Gotham with Chance from France, which was a bit too unnecessarily dramatic for my taste.

Chris graciously prepared a whole spiel on her Advocare company that I want to get involved with. And I bought some vegetables for my new diet starting Monday. And I went to Stake Conference.

Look I made a salad from John's garden. 

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