Sunday, August 5, 2018

Come Dressed as a Pretentious Art Critic

Half of my week was just spent recovering from my last weekend of not sleeping. I'd like to think I understand a little bit about anxiety after this whole art show ordeal, but at least mine is controllable.

I love my job.
Hannah and I worked out several times and my body can definitely tell. Sometimes I like working out alone, but it's definitely been more fun with friends this summer. Especially on days when I've been less motivated.

Yes, I would date boy-Naomi.
Basically every night, I've been collecting art from people that they finished last minute. My favorite art collection was at hot tub night, when the Ringger Bros freaking delivered. And also showed me this gender swap app that has me D-E-D dead.

Becca and I hit up the temple for some initiatories in the midst of a dust storm. If you want to feel powerful, turn up your bass, mix up some Hans Zimmer tracks, and drive to the temple. Driving there gave a post-apocalyptic feel with the brown skies and clouded views - but like you're one of the surviving bad-a**'s in the new world. [Insert temple here, which always makes me feel awesome.] Driving home, the skies were clearer, the city lights were twinkling, and lightning was flashing through the purple skies. Power.

Shining forth in obscurity.
Keaton, Bart, Nate, and Mark helped set up and make labels for most of the art on Friday night. Then Keaton, Nathan, and I went to a $3 Avengers: Infinity Wars showing at this sketchy movie theater in the middle of nowhere. Worth it.

Voila, the source of my stress. 
 I spent all day Saturday calming my anxiety. Autumn and Katie were stressing about food. Trevor was stressing about music. And I was stressing about art. At least I didn't have to worry about all 3.

BUT it turned out awesome. As Tyler said, This sucked less than I thought it was going to. And as Andrew said, You made an art show cool. The food was good, the music was good, the art was good AND well-displayed. The vibe was everything. [Stress levels down to a reasonable level.]

My favorite piece, "Happy" by Mackenzie Hill.

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