Sunday, October 17, 2021

Hunter or Hobo (part 6)

Well folks, I've done it. I survived the Cottonwood initiation and am now officially OUT. It was nice to be able to attend a staff meeting in person. Somehow, I've been tricked into driving out to Williams again (which makes me a little salty) but it's better than Cottonwood. 

Sitting in a blind in the cold. 

We had a good turnout for volleyball. It's fun to play more consistently and with decent setters, because my hits are more consistently kills. And I have a little more directional control. Our city league starts this upcoming Wednesday, so this Monday will be our last week for a little bit. 

Marshall said Frank was a good name. 

My side hustles are going well. I now have 3 subscribers on my YT channel, more and more on IG, and I make $10-30 a week on Etsy without having done anything for the last month. So that's nice. I just finished working on a PT Reference Book that I'll be posting soon, so I'm hoping that goes over well. (And I might dig into physical copies of some of this stuff if it does.)

She looks small from here, but Rog estimates 600+lbs after the gutting.

I'm still doing bimonthly boxing classes - and my new favorite moves are the "wallop" aka the overhand punch and the spinning backhand. Classics. I like learning new tricks like that. I'm also working on getting a class set up for the YW in our ward. 

She only broke a few ropes before we triple tied her.

I have a patient who INSISTS on feeding me for lunch and Rog and I for dinner on all days that she sees me (twice a week). And the food is delicious. BUT she also insisted on providing food for our hunting trip, which is how we ended up with 5 breakfast burritos, 4 sandwiches, and bread with chicken salad to make so ourselves so it doesn't get soggy. Needless to say, we were well provided for on our trip. 

Cleaning it up. 

Friday, Rog glasses on top of a hill in the FREEZING cold and saw nada. We hiked around at a different location and saw 80+ deer. And a lot of them within 20 yards of us at points. They know it's not their turn yet. We then drove up a sketchy road and sat a blind (aka took a nap in the cold), bought a car, and shot an elk at 70 yards with a kill shot. She was dead within 30 seconds and only ran about 100 yards, so she was easy to track. Rog showed me how to gut her and we had to call in the cavalries to lift her and get her into a bigger truck so our axles wouldn't bust. We hung her and skinned her and went to bed. 


Saturday, we carved her up and prepped all the meat and had some bacon-wrapped T-loins for dinner. Sunday, we did Zoom church and packaged her up and helped Collin with his wife's elk. (She was mysteriously absent for the majority). We're only doing burger, ground jerky, and steaks because that's what we use the most. And we have plenty of it. Any friends who are getting married soon (cough cough Trev/Jaimie or Lindsey/TJ) may have an idea of what they're getting for their weddings...

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