Monday, September 5, 2022

The Last Letner Reunion

The workouts are happening and work is still a thing. For one of us. Roger quit on Wednesday and weirdly enough, I have seen even LESS of him. For some reason, he thinks (at age 26) he is entitled to a full hunt - mornings and nights for 14 days. This is his one chance (because I don't want to hear any complaints ever again)- he graduated, quit UPS, and has a few weeks to hunt before we get serious about him getting a job. #sugarmama

I was pretty low on energy this week, but I did work on some Christmas gifts - starting early since we decided to do homemade this year. And I read a few new books. They were pretty decent and I'm excited to get the full series on both. 


After work Friday, Rog and I headed up to the Last Letner Reunion. This is Roger's mom's mom's siblings 50th reunion and it happens every Labor Day. Which is fine except all of Roger's mom's mom's siblings are dead. So it ends up being a lot of drama and camping with a new group of fifth cousins every year (with a few regulars). 

Honestly, I don't mind being there for the most part. I hang out with the friends I already have and Ed, I guess. He's a kid that decided to be friends with me by whittling me a shiv so I could be in his club. He is, incidentally, bald. And Matt, who we don't see often, but who likes to play Racko with us. Rog and I escaped to the woods with Brandt to figure some stuff out with my bow and take the kids on a hike. 

Nobody is looking or smiling. The best we could do.

For the most part, I was out of the drama, but since I have a nice camera and an idea of how to take pictures, I was included as the "backup" photographer for the group photos. Which turned from one group photo to also individual family photos as well. It was hot, the lighting was bad, the setup was bad, everyone was angry. And nobody listens and the actual photography didn't want to take charge and also her camera didn't actually record any of the photos. By the end of that, I was ready to leave.

I ate dinner and then second dinner and felt better. As I was leaving, I thanked everyone for inviting me to the LAST Letner reunion. Some laughed, but most agreed to some extent. Really, every 5-10 years would be PLENTY. But who am I to say that. (Just someone that wants their 3-day weekends). 

We came home Saturday night so we could go to church x2. We went to ours - I'm waiting on some key callings to take place. And then we went to the Knight's so Rog could help Collin bless their new baby. We joined them at their camp afterwards and spent the afternoon just chilling. More on that next week. 

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