Monday, July 17, 2023


Back on the grind and apparently one week off of lifting warrants a hefty amount of soreness again. I played some VB - which has been rumored to be a stake event and now people are finding out somehow. And I also went swimming - which I'm frustrated about because there keep being mistakes or they'll say wow only one lane open tomorrow at 1pm and then I go and am swimming alone. Mad sus.

Lee's Ferry

It was my anniversary this week. I did write the date wrong on the calendar, but that's the day we ended up celebrating anyways. We tried to go get Alpine Pizza, but they were closed so we went to a different pizza place instead and also got some gelato. (Another sign to leave Flag - Alpine shutting down...)

I didn't have YW this week, so I spent time working on my vids and exploring a new CEU subscription we convinced my company to fund. (Bless). Also stabbed myself for the first time, which wasn't as bad as I expected until the needle got stuck. 


I got off early and Rog got back early from his 3-day adventure at Lee's Ferry night fishing and rafting and almost getting shot down by federal guards. So we went on a longer downtown adventure to the new honey store and the old oil store (where we chatted with our boy Scotty) and ate some savory crepes and more gelato. Because why not. 

Saturday, we hung out with Rog's fam at the monthly game day. And we found a new, cheesier version of The Librarian, called Hooten and the Lady. Rog's quote of the week:

Me: Yeah like all sorts of witches and goblins live in this place.

Rog: Oh so like your mom and you could live there. 

The boat

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