Tuesday, July 2, 2024

bigger lake day

When we got back from our Page weekend, we were unpleasantly surprised to find out that our fridge stopped working again. This time long enough that we had to throw out most of our recently bought groceries. Our landlord reimbursed us a bit and I went shopping again and we only made 1 hole in the wall changing out refrigerators. This time, we have a freezer on top/fridge below, which actually gives us more room in the fridge side. 

VB was cancelled this week due to not enough people (which is likely to happen for a while now), but I had a few nice gym days including a chest workout that left me sore. I didn't go swimming because I knew we were planning to head up to Lake Powell again. 

A casualty of non-consenual cleaning.

I had one night where I could NOT sleep. I just had a lot of thoughts swirling around in my head and most of them not pleasant ones, which kept me wide awake most of the night. So I decided to test Roger's allegations that I only "clomp" around the house and made some blueberry muffins at 4am that he didn't even notice until long after they were out. Take that you ninny. 

Rog has been feeling like going to the movies lately. Probably because he wanted to watch Viggo Mortenson's The Dead Don't Hurt but didn't look it up until it was out of theaters at watchable times. (It is still in theaters, but only midday on weekdays.) So instead, we watched Horizon part 1, which he still really liked. It's a few strands of story regarding the westward movement and tells it in fairly accurate yet palatable on-screen detail.

Claren showing off his fly boarding skills. 

We drove up to Page on Friday (after some food truck burritos). We were basically waiting for Stu's friend with the boat to be ready to go for Saturday morning so I did some bills and we cleaned out some of Roger's boxes in storage. If anyone was hoping to get his old chemistry notes, I'm sorry. Otherwise, no remorse for consolidating down to a couple boxes. 

Stu, Rog, Carly, Eric, Claren, and I went out on the boat to Padre Bay through the cut (with sometimes only 3ft of water in it). We spent the day swimming and wake surfing and enjoying the views of Lake Powell in the day time. I was suffering a little from 2 weeks of consecutive sunscreen use causing itching hives even faceplanting in the water wouldn't fix. Good times, good company. 

Lake Powell views.

We got back late and starving and hit up El Tapatio for some almost midnight enchilada-style burritos. Then we went to bed. And we made it to Sacrament between all of our Sunday naps, which was good because we got to hear some good quotes from the boys reporting on camp last week:

"What's the point of fish in the ecosystem? To catch them!"

"Bishop taught us about this new kind of firestarter. I don't know if you've heard of it. It's called a tampon."

Wake surfing

"We apologize for the talk of feminine products up here, but that's something I learned at camp too. I guess that's the casualty of war when Bishop spends the day at girls camp before coming to teach wilderness survival with the boys."

Family dinner was delicious spaghetti and garlic bread and some Jarlsburg cheese that had been hiding in the fridge for a while. And after a little more napping and some family history preservation via photo albums, we headed home. (To a fridge that still worked.)