Sunday, July 28, 2024


 A quick flash of the week - volleyball and gym and pool; work including some southern drives; taking photos with an old friend. Now on to the real stuff. 

I've been getting mysterious bug bites for about 6 months. I will get one bite every 2-4 weeks during the night that looks and feels like a mosquito bite. No signs of any other critters and Roger only got one bite that whole time. 

Back in March, I cleaned and dried (on hot) all of our bedding and set up a bug zapper next to the bed. And it was 4 weeks before I got bit again. But also at this point, it was starting to get warm and the next few times I noticed bites, it wasn't waking up with them. For example, after a day outside. So I'm thinking problem is relatively solved...

Roger's favorite past-time still

This particular week, Roger woke up with a bunch of bites on his belly. These were smaller and clustered and looked more like bed bugs, so we decided it was time to super clean the house (just in case). It also happened to be the week that our dryer stopped working. 

Luckily, Roger's aunt down the road was on vacation so we used her drier to clean all of our bedding and couch covers. And I steam cleaned the couches and mattress by hand while Rog cleaned the carpet in our apartment. We took a few breaks for lunch and groceries but were basically at it for a full day and a half. And now our carpet actually feels like a carpet and hopefully any potential problems are solved. (we'll see). 

During our grocery stop, we caught the peach man on the road and bought a box to try to imitate the delicious canned goods we got from Kevin last year. The peaches themselves are divine, so hopefully the canning job did them justice. I even made some peach pit syrup (with one casualty in the steamer). 

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