Sunday, May 26, 2024

Banquets & Burritos

After getting back to AZ, I had a long short week. Work was a lot, gym was a lot. And I had plenty of extra-curriculars to keep me busy. (And watermelon, because 'tis the season). And books, because I just traded with Kelly. 

I went to "support" Rog at his softball game. He wasn't playing, to be clear. He is the assistant coach for a bunch of 6y olds. They are not good. But apparently, so much better than the start of the season, so good on them. It was cold and rainy (after being balmy 70's and sunny the last few weeks). And nobody wins those games, but they did institute outs this game, so that was new for them. 

The famed taco truck. 

Rog and I went to look at a few more houses with our friend and realtor, Cole. We found one that we really liked - kind of secluded 3 bed 2 bath with covered porches, a shed, a detached garage with a workshop room. But we're still working on getting the numbers right as far as monthly payments since interest rates are crazy. (And secretly hoping one of my older patients will just donate their house/property to me upon their death.)

We did end up hitting up a food truck we've been hearing good things about and other than the very last bite (which was the hottest bite of them all) the chile relleno burritos were TDF. Thanks for the tip, Becky. 

Another one for the books. 

Saturday my swimming session was cancelled for pool renovations, so boo to them. But we did go to the Mule Deer Banquet in Wiliams with a bunch of people from Roger's work, our landlords, and a bunch of people from Page. Our table ended up being a good one - going home with 4 guns, a fishing pole, a gun case, a 7 day vacation stay in Vegas for 2, some freeze dried meals, and a Buddy Heater between 8 of us. We won the Buddy Heater, which was the one we really wanted, so that was nice. And it's all for a charity that Rog really believes in, so I'm happy to gamble for this cause only. 

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