Sunday, May 26, 2024

Toit Nups

I forgot to mention that we had Roger's truck in the shop again and it looks like the issues were totally fixed, but we'll see. Now we just have to get my other car officially figured out. I'm hoping the guy that redid our engine will just do some tune-ups for free since the problems are new since the "fix". 

We were shorthanded for VB this week, but Rog had a good time at basketball AND made it for a short congratulatory visit to his aunt's house since Becky got her buffalo! It's a big boy. But good on her - lots of hard work and sleepless nights and stress, and now their freezer is more than full. Anyways, THEN Rog was also able to put some laundry away and do dishes and get to bed at a reasonable time. 

All that so he could wake up at 4am to go on a work trip down on the Colorado. This time, it's only 10 days, which he's grateful for. After his month-long trip, he was a little disoriented upon return, but very happy to shower. 

Since he's gone, I've had a great time by myself - taking up the entire bed, eating girl dinner, and just having a lot of time to think and work on projects or read or whatever. Rog and I agree that we like hanging out, but we also like being away from each other, which is super nice. 

I did tell Sabrina that I would actually go to the RS activity this week, mostly to support her since she's in charge. We were making hygiene kits for a local charity for women. I don't mind doing the work, but the part I really don't like is where you have to small talk to people. (Which is the part everyone else likes). 

Classic wedding selfie.

We had a final girl's night with everyone who could make it - Al, Rachel, and Kailan at Oregano's. We got some snacks and pazookies and had a good time hearing some crazy stories before Rachel moves to Utah and Kailan goes to Ecuador and moves to Idaho. All good things, but I'm glad we had this group. 

 Saturday, I made a brief trip to the store on my way down to Phoenix to pick up some more allergy meds. Cenita & Colton had a short civil wedding ceremony and a good time hanging out with all their family. They looked great in the bright colors - which are totally her vibe. They had some delicious food and pies that we enjoyed. I hung out with her grade school friend Sophie and her brother Kaleb, and her parents Kris/Brian (who are absolutely delightful). I helped clean up after and came home with at least 3 weeks worth of food (for me), so some of that will add to our growing freezer supply. 

Rog is always worried when he leaves that I won't feed myself and he'll come back to a shriveled husk of a human. But that's mostly because he doesn't believe in girl dinner. Anyways, I'm set for a while - and also got several meal invites for this week from the ward since he left me "a widow". Take that, Rog. 

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