Monday, September 23, 2024

Elk Season Begins (the measurement of my days currently)

Deer season is over, but good news is that it is now elk season - for those who want an OTC hunt about an hour east of Flagstaff amidst the brambles near the lone river or the desert surrounding. Aka Roger. So far, his BFF got one, but he and his brother are still on the hunt. 

Volleyball had a good turnout this week and Rog had a good shooting day at basketball. I'm still at the gym on the regs, but he has postponed it again until he gets his elk. I also had a great swim session on Saturday, and I thought it was going to be the last one in the outdoor pool, but apparently it will be in the 90s for the next week or two. 

Roger's mom was in town to help with his sick Grandma for a bit and we managed to make it (between work schedules) to Culver's with her. It's been a while since I've been there and I was impressed with the pricing compared to some other places we've eaten recently so it might be a repeat. Especially with their concrete mixers on the menu...

That was mostly our week. Saturday for Rog was spent hunting and seeing family (while I was swimming) and I was swimming and working on some projects. Including nearly finishing Michael Stackpole's DragonCrown War trilogy which is comparable to a much shorter Wheel of Time. And Sunday was our Primary Program with snacks afterwards, so our favorite Sunday of the year. 

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