Saturday, June 22, 2024

lake day

 I'm getting old. I had a tiny misshap with my knee during volleyball this week - but good news was that I was able to walk off 95% of it. And we've been getting a good crew so far, even though it's summer. (I would comment on all my outdoor workouts I can do now, but unfortunately, there's a nice hailstorm that happens just as I get off work regularly so it's not predictable enough.)

My trainee is doing well and started doing her own SOCs this week - which saves us both some effort, although still takes her quite a bit of time. We had a a little party this week that our office manager put on - which was a nice break and good to hang out with the coworkers in a less work-like setting. And I got to talk about needling people in the butt with my fellow PTs, which is always fun. 

Happiest guy. 

Rog spent a day collecting samples for his fish job 4 hours away - and still made it back for basketball. We've also been watching Bridgerton (skipping the sauce Kelly-style) which is interesting enough to keep him invested and short enough that I may not get bored of it before we finish.

Kaleb & Megan hosted a buffalo burger night (courtesy of Stu) while the boys were brainstorming how to build a better slingshot as well as a hard container for paintball protection and quick loading. All for potentially 3 shots they each take during a game of family slingshot paintball at the family reunion. We'll see what they end up bringing. 

We went to Page on Friday night (after profiting from national smoothie day) and arrived just as everyone else was getting ready to leave to grab a load of stuff from the girls in Utah to help them move out. Then Rog woke up real early to start changing out the water heater system - which took about 6 hours longer than anticipated because he had to adapt an old system to a different system AND because he was trying to save money on parts and make it up with labor. I took several trips to the store for him until one guy said I couldn't come back anymore. We ended up with a usable water heater 12 hours later and a small leak that we can fix when we're back up here next weekend for a boating day. 

Rog and I went for a little dip in the lake (although his brother accidentally took his bag of clothes with them - so Rog did all his plumbing in basketball shorts AND had to swim in them as well). He was only a little salty and preoccupied with the unfinished business at the house. But I dropped him off with his bestie to do some fishing, so hopefully he comes back happier. 

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