Tuesday, June 11, 2024

NAU Lumberjacks

 After getting back from Woodruff and back to normal routine & work, we had a relatively busy week as well. I played VB - although the summer crew is scarce, so we may put this on pause until people are back in town and ready to go. (A lot of our current players are teachers and it takes them a few months in the school year to be able to breathe). 

sorry for the blurry pic, but that's an action shot

I hung out with my friend Rachel before she leaves to Utah - for her first real house and her husband's first real job. They are excited and ready to get out of a small apartment with 4 crazy kids. And then I went over to Grandma's house to join up with Rog & the crew for the end of a dinner party.

We had the missionaries over for breakfast dinner (our fave) and Rog let me eat 1 waffle early since I usually eat when I get home from work, but they couldn't meet until after 7. 

killing the game

Rog put me in charge of our date this week, so we went axe throwing and were actually pretty evenly matched. I crushed him at targets, he crushed me at battleship, and we tied at tic-tac-toe. We even messed around with knives and ninja stars. My claim to fame is still sticking the wrong end of a throwing knife into the wood. 

still got it

Cousin Greer was baptized on Saturday, so we went to that and the after-party. I ate 3 burgers and boogied out of there. Rog hung around for a while and got to eat some cherry cheesecake-type dessert that he has been raving over. 

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