Saturday, June 7, 2014

Fellowship of the Jedi

May 26, 2014

French Fact: There's a restaurant in Vieux Lyon where you get a gelatto and they will put as many flavors as you want on it. I had chocolate, mint chocolate, coconut, speculos, banana, raspberry, and one other...But it was delicious. 

Well, I'm back. The land I call my home. Good ol' Lyon. Still have my same old email account at the Muslim internet cafe. Rewind. Fastforward style; sorry, it's gonna be short. Last Monday, I spent some time with Soeur Jones and Cherry and Paulo. I needed to get a few new shirts, so I sent them out into the store and they brought stuff to me and I said yes or no. Minions :) I like them. We dropped Soeur Paulo off that night at the Gare with her new companion and I had to stay with the Eysings soeurs because Soeur Luthi wasn't getting in until the next night. We had a fun day of contacting and street boarding. 

We ended with RCM and strawberry shortcake. Not a bad day, especially with people I love. That night we went to the Gare and Soeur Luthi's train was delayed an hour, so Elder Taylor entertained us with some boyband dancing to various hymns. It was hilarious. 

Soeur Luthi and I planned a lot this week. Now that's all done. We tried to stop by some members-Soeur Picard happened to have just made a chocolate cake when we stopped by. No complaints. Soeur Petit invited us for a lunch of chicken and potatoes. She is so cute and loves the gospel. I feel so bad for her because she has a ton of physical ailments. 

We had a few super powerful lessons. One was with Alain. We taught him about baptism and confirmation now that he's engaged to it, to help him feel more comfortable that he can do it. We followed up with the word of wisdom and he's still struggling. So I tried to commit him to live it and he said ok I'll start next Thursday. I thought to myself-Ehhhh. I can't tell him that I'm ok with that. I can't be satisfied with that. Apparently, Frere Jouault felt the same way, because he bore a super powerful testimony and committed Alain to live it NOW. He agreed. It's a struggle, and he's had some slip-ups, but he's engaged for real. 

Sonia has been struggling as well. She failed her exams and her husband has had some serious health problems and her daughter is still in shock from it. So she told us she doesn't have time to meet with us until after her exams. She's studying english, so we offered to help her. She readily agreed, so now we meet every day and teach her a short lesson and then help her with her English fluency. It was a tricky way of meeting more. Haha. But it's good and she is getting a lot better at speaking English. Now we just need her to see the importance of church. Hopefully with the broadcast from Elders Anderson and Uchtdorf at Stake Conference next week, she'll be able to make it. 

We met Baba again and got him to come see a baptism right before our meeting. Then he expressed that he often has doubts, wondering if he makes up his beliefs in his mind. After our lesson that we taught with our recent convert, Karen, he was satisfied enough to read the BOM and come to church, which apparently answered a lot of questions. At one point in the RDV, it was silent and the spirit was really powerful and Soeur Luthi and I didn't want to talk and ruin it, so we just waited for a while and eventually Baba was like, ok, it's good. Haha. 

We also met a Romanian guy who's pretty cool and super believing and promised to come to church. Then there's Vincent, the Indian guy we invited to come to church and has now come three times in a row. He's wonderful and talks to everyone. Today, Soeur Luthi and I flew out to Lyon for Leadership Conference, aka Jedi Council. So we spent a Pday in Lyon visiting our favorite places with Soeur Carter and Floisand. It's been wonderful. 

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