Monday, August 18, 2014


Somehow I am not surprised that Sr Hutch is the
head of the table
French Fact today actually comes from Senegal. Because I've met so many people from there this past week that I don't actually remember anything about French culture. In Senegal, half the people are Muslim and half are Catholic, but all are wonderful. They speak French and also Woloff. Not sure how to spell that. But here are some phrases I've picked up: Nangadef? (to which they respond, mangafille. Kind of like a- you good? yeah, I'm good). Then, Notoodoo? (meaning, what is your name?) Then they laugh and ask if you have visited their home country. They also love talking about their native cuisine, which includes large fish. 

Mainly all I want to talk about this week is last Friday. We went out to visit a member who is a lonely woman with few friends and is starved for company. Although extremely delightful and a good missionary. Goldmines the Elders never bother to check. 

I then saw a kid about our age on a bike checking the times a phone store would be opened. So I contacted him. And he was atheist. Kind of. Never really met a full atheist, now that I think about it. But he was super cool and really open to the idea of there being a living prophet and was interested to know what he would say. Finally he said, Tell you what. You take my number and call me to set up a rdv and we'll talk more. By the way, my name's Jeremy. 

BACK STORY. Rewind to the night before in nightly planning, we set goals for various key indicators for the next day. And randomly, before I could even think the words in my mind, I said, Tomorrow, we're going to find a new ami! His name will be Jeremy.  Soeur Schreiber and I laughed about it for a while because it really was very random, but that isn't so out of character.  Anyhow, when he told us his name was Jeremy, we both started to smile the biggest smiles you've ever seen and tried not to laugh. What a crazy action-packed day just to meet this one kid and so God could tell us He's there.
Run down of the rest of the week- FHE with the Rodriguez family and Cedric, a ward missionary who's a little too fond of sister missionaries randomly showed up. 

The Tantely family is hooking us up with coordonnees and their less active friends. Due to a miscommunication, the gardening activity we set up with them fell through, but we did go home with fresh veggies! 

I dreamt I was at home and dad's counselor Pres Monson called me to be a ward missionary, gave me an iPhone, and told me I had to have 10 lessons a week. 

Mama Gentil forcefed us three popsicles. I visited a LA with the bishop and Rs pres. And by that I mean that the bishop and I taught the LA and my comp and the RS pres didn't say much. But it was a super powerful lesson. 

We had a picnic where I played some foot ball and had a blast. 

We had a super powerful lesson on the Atonement with Colette, on prayer with Adelina, on the restored church with Ishmael, on the word of wisdom with Akima, a LA. The Church is true. And here on the cote d'azur, the sea is really blue. 

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