Monday, July 8, 2013


Foot Long Blueberry Marshmallow
Oh baby, oh baby. Where to begin? If I didn't feel like a missionary before, I sure do now. We have had the craziest, busiest week ever. Lets go through it topically. Food. I tried my first Kebab, which contrary to what some jokesters will tell you, is not shaved elephant leg, but veal. Its dang good. Its a Turkish dish and we've found that the less French the cook speaks, the better the Kebab. We also saw foot long blueberry marshmallows at Carefore and went for it. I have to say, I would rather eat one of those than a regular marshmallow, but at the same time, I've definitely had better food. Like pre-made mousse that they sell here. Also, YOP is like a drinkable yogurt, except the chocolate flavor is more like thicker, creamier chocolate milk. AKA heaven in a bottle. I also had a Cru sandwich, which I didn't know until halfway through was made with uncooked meat. Yikes. Still looking for a Belongerie, which is where they make those delicious French pastries, but we haven't found one yet. Weird for France, but I have 18 months left, so well have plenty of time.
Happy July 4th!
Let me tell you about our Tuesday this week. We started out with a service project at a thrift shop called Scout de Cluse. They made us stop promptly at 930 for a tea/coffee/pastry break. They are all awesome people that work there and they love each other so much. I even choked back a cup of herbal tea for them. But also I just wanted to work the whole time. Sorry I'm diligent? And also dislike tea. Anyhow. We had to cancel a few appointments because we had a vital heater check in our apartment that we had to be present for and they were late. The guy came and left and Soeur Layton and I were dying. I swear he let out some noxious fumes. We were coughing and laughing for no reason and I started to get a headache. Remembering some strong counsel given at the MTC, we checked the Carbon Monoxide detector and it didn't have batteries and also didn't really  work! We left and finished our appointments and went to a bunch of stores to find a new detector. We caught the last bus out to a big store that we hoped could have one and got it. Whew. We had to walk back and tried taking a short cut to get home on time, but we ran into a caravan of gypsies. We were introduced to the whole family, including a child being tied up to a tree, and then one of them drove us home. What a crazy day.
Sometimes we match!

Other notes for the week. Last week, I thought France was pretty modest. Turns out it was just cold. France is a lot of extremes-like you are covered up or you don't have clothes on. Awesome. Or you wear all neutrals or a bright solid color sweat suit. We started contacting based on the BOM more this week. Turns out it works a lot better. Weve given out a lot more books and cards and met a lot of cool people. Pedro, from Spain is a mountain guide. And Tiffany is a Taoist who loves world travel and volunteer work. And We also met a Belgique who may or may not have told me that I would have died in the Holocaust. But there's so much more to them! Contacting is still hard for me at first, but once I get into it, I love these people so much and its just so devastating when they don't want to listen anymore. I have never felt such a range of emotions. Sometimes I wonder if I am in France because I wouldn't be so emotionally affected, or because I would.
Spiritual Thought of the Day: Read Ballard's This is My Work and My Glory. I have never realized how powerful the priesthood is until I read this today. This is the power through which worlds without end were created, the Savior was able to accomplish the Atonement, and it exists on earth today! All righteous men in the church, in conjunction with the women, are able to yield this power, so long as their wills are alligned with the will of God. Chouette, right?

District meeting

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