Saturday, September 5, 2015

Is this the real life? Or is this just fantasy?

Did I ever mention that I don't like meeting new people? Or making friends? It either goes one way or the other. Really just don't let me out in public. But more on that later. I went to church Sunday and since we have new ward boundaries and new tenants, the whole day consisted of spiritual thoughts and introductions. Which I see as a kind of competition. And I think I won. Ok, ok, I tied with the girl who bought $2000 of Chick-Fil-A last year. But when I went to a waffle party and then a dessert party later that night, everybody remembered me. And I still have no idea who they are. Awesome.

This semester is like P90X: I hate it, but I love it.

Swaggin. Litrally.
Every morning, I wake up at heinous times to exercise. Chris and Addy would be so proud. I'm also taking a weights class AND even saw Derek and Greg at the gym one day. They made goals to go twice a week and as far as I know, it's lasted half a week. Good on ya, guys.

I walked into my first class Monday morning to a chorus of joyous greetings from my classmates. I had met most of them through various wards and sports teams and classes. Needless to say, I felt pretty popular. I'm also loving the small class size and same people in all my classes. It makes participation (and joking around) much easier. I love all my AT classes and I get excited to read and chat with the profs and pick their brains.

They did try to vote me class president, though. The club president, Grant, came in to talk to us about logistics and notified us that each class of AT students needs a president, secretary, and treasurer. Immediately, several people shouted my name. Then one guy in the back raised his hand to volunteer, so I dumped it on him. And sent him on various errands that I assured him were part of his presidential responsibilities. Haha.

I also have a chem class, which is CAKE, thanks to both my AP Chem class and my summer internship. But no thanks to our recitation leader who tends to confuse everyone else more than necessary. I've been debating about just teaching the class myself, but I try to restrain myself from taking on responsibilities. And French. With my favorite person, Soeur Jones. That class is also tres amusant. It's a small class with friends and one French girl we tease nonstop. (Okay, okay, we tease EVERYONE nonstop).

After classes end, I have at least four hours of clinical, with Judd, the snarky, delightful, and really smart track coach. There are several other students working there, so during breaks, we 'athletically train' ourselves. Or I do. I just want to know and do everything there. I thought it was going to be the worst, but I love everything about it: the taping, the modalities, the gym equipment, the athletes, even the throw up and sweat and Powerade all over my free BYU polo and khakis. Saturday we had our only home meet of the season and it was awesome! I got to take care of a chick with heat exhaustion until she was reasonably better, throw her over my shoulder, and golf cart her to the hospital. Seriously, I love my unpaid job. (I wouldn't say no to payment, however.)

After clinicals, I have about 2 hours in which to do my HW. So far, so good. But I'm a little worried about throwing tests into the mix.

We're in a boat. Literally.
Then I go to the Cougareat for my Scoreboard closing shift until 8pm. Everyone there is new, so nobody knows how to do anything, not even the other managers. Which helps me understand why Ronnie wanted me to come back there so desperately. My first couple days, people were confused because they didn't know me and I was suddenly a manager. Now they get it and do whatever I say. They're not so good at individual thinking, however. We're working on it. Since I am about to start a research job, I am going to trim down my hours in the fast food arena. And Hallelujah.

So that's a day in the life of me. Welcome. In addition to those crazzzzyyyy days, here's some other things I managed to squeeze in:

-Free food acquired: a donut, a BYU brownie, a Jamba Juice, and ice cream x2. Don't you love back to school deals? And neighbors that obtain gallons upon gallons of Graham Canyon ice cream?

-Got my last look at Lauren Bellon before she goes to Italy! She came down to Provo to give back all the stuff she's borrowed over the last month to various people. And then we sat in a boat outside my apartment until the owner's roommate told us a certain anger-prone redneck with a gun collection might be more than a little upset to see us in his nautical vessel.
Mission buds at Beeny's Reception. Terrifying.
-I went to my first ever wedding reception. How have I avoided it for 22 years, you may ask? Good timing and no car. Who wants to watch a first dance, anyways? Totes awks. But I digress. Here's the story you've all been waiting for: Mama Layton and I are talking and people start going outside for the sparkler sendoff. Finally, we're the last ones and I say to myself, Self, maybe you should go outside and join the crowd, before things get awkward. Then I notice the bride and groom in front of us and the bride was yelling something about how she needed her scarf or something and so I think: Ok, she's going back for her scarf, we've got time to join the throng. So I start "sneaking" out the door without comprehending the fact that the bride and groom were still in front of me, with no sign of turning back. They open the front doors and there I am, right next to the bride, running like a creepy dinosaur with a terrified face, realizing what a mistake I have just made. Can't wait for those pics. And if you don't think it's funny, picture this:

1 comment:

  1. i haven't read your blog in literal months. i'm dying over the nautical vessel portion of this post.

