Sunday, May 19, 2019

Roasted & Toasted

The adventuring continued at Bryce Canyon this week - the deceptively cool day leading to a slow burn, despite my best efforts (and layering). We started with a nice 8-miler down to Fairyland, hitchhiked back to the bus stop, and had a picnic before starting round 2.

Amidst Fairyland.
After seeing the rocks up close, it was nice to get an overlook on the rim trail, Bryce point, and inspiration point. Grams gave us a quick meal and I was out of Kanab.

This lady isn't sure if I'm funny or crazy. Neither are we.
Roger's family brought the aloe and a delicious (second) dinner. We went on a lovely tour of Page and had a chill movie night getting ready for John Wick 3 that comes out soon.

From the top. (My face is red from the hike, not the burn.)
Tuesday, I took a dam tour with Roger's sisters, got mongoosed, taught them to play Totally Insane, and did some work on the court with Rog and Stu. After dinner, we ended up watching Fever Pitch - since they're all Sox fans - and they loved it. (Also me).

Another dam vacation. 
The rest of the week was chill and involved some fun projects, some administrative necessities, and a lot of sleeping since I was kind of sick. I watched most of the new Hulu series Catch-22 which is almost as ridiculous as the book, but not quite. I worked on a new addition to my In the World But Not of It piano book for children.

Moriah @ Spirit Week.
Isabelle: Moriah, what are you doing?
MGH: Nothing, freshman

Thomas served breakfast for dinner this week and let me tell you, the man goes HAM. But also bacon, sausage, eggs, pastries, waffles, OJ, the works. I brought some new friends since the usuals were out of town and they thoroughly enjoyed being showered with food and gifts.

The only pose I have that's appropriate for all audiences. 
TJ, Lindsey, and I had a good time at the Crater Caves hike. After some research and wrong turns, we did in fact find the caves. Turned a couple of us into savages, but we claimed our territory.

Full Gollum. MGH would be proud. 
Roger was back in town for a wedding, so we ate steak and watched John Wick chapter 2 as our final pre-theater event. Just the way they talk about him is awe-inspiring. The trailer that started all this is actually just Winston saying, "He's got a $14 million bounty on his head and the entire city is looking for him. I'd say the odds are about even." And scene. 

The crew. 
Saturday, I volunteered at the Family Food Center here in Flag. They had me outside, helping organize bimonthly donation pickups and ended up needing me for 4 hours instead of 2, which led to another mild burn, this time on my face and arms. I was entertained by the customers and another volunteer, an older bald guy named Andrew.

Sunday was uneventful, except for having part of the ice cream social early so the Sandalls could also partake. They're good people.

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