Sunday, May 26, 2019

Prepare for War

If I lived in a house in the woods forever, I would be so productive. Alas.

There's a lot of administrative things I need to get done. But besides that, I played basketball a few times, went running, and even did some yoga. I had some barbecues with my PT friends and let me tell you, I love a good burger. I volunteered at the food center for several hours (and even convinced Caleb to join) and met a guy who was a crackhead for 20y before he quit.

It snowed most of the week, which
hindered my running only slightly. 
The most monumental part of this week was finishing a "short" story I've been working on for a while now. It's inspired by a post off of reddit and it's about the Apocalypse and approximately 50pages long on a word document. Brace For It.

The other most monumental part of the week (which required much less work on my part) was seeing John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum. And It. Was. Crazy. I love these movies because they're all action (most of which is done IRL by Keanu Reeves) and no romance (since he's very dedicated to his wife, who is dead). 10/10 cannot rave enough. Put it on VidAngel or do what you gotta do, but this is a killer movie.

I bought brake fluid at CAL, a favorite store of my hick friends.
Remember how I inadvertently copy other peoples' accents when they talk to me?
I spent Saturday in the valley where Jeff & Brandee helped me fix my car, John & Sarah fed me and helped me with parking, and I got to go to Sam & Jake's wedding (where I hung out with their parents the entire time). Good day with good people.

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