Sunday, April 28, 2024

Birthday Week of Fun

 I'm getting worse at writing these on time, but I can at least tell you what happened this week still. First of all, we're getting really busy at work. Both of us. My new AE (which is like the guy that goes and gets referrals for us) is cooking and my other PT has been sick and our part time PTA is really part time. Roger was told that there was a deadline to complete a series of apartment buildings (which was NOT in the contract) and has been hindered by HVAC guys on purpose and the framers on accident. So he's been spending extra time working. 

We had scheduled to have the missionaries come to dinner this week with us, but they have consistently had a hard time planning in advance and looking at the calendar prior to 11am - which is a problem because they assume everyone can feed them at 5pm and we cannot. So for the umpteenth time (and due to some whining on their part) we bought them takeout in town and made the decision not to put this on our schedule for the foreseeable future. 

In hopes of stocking up our freezer still with meal prep (because we HAVE the space and because we've ALREADY loved using these meals when we don't want to cook) - I did make a bunch of cajun chicken mac n cheese and also experimented with lemon amish bread - which was pretty dang good. More to come, but had to feed the starter for it. 

(since Rog always takes pics of me with our food, lol)

I hung out with my friend, Rachel, who will be moving soon to Utah since her husband will officially be a graduated MD with a real job and a real house for their 4 kids. I stayed for dinner with their missionaries - who had no problem eating at 6. (They were also women, so that might be why.)

Rog and I went to the woods on Friday and had a tinfoil dinner over the fire (which we now just cook all together in a big pot because it's faster and we have leftovers). We had a good time hanging out in the wilderness and nobody got bugbites. 

We didn't camp because Rog was going to play ball with some guys in the morning - but was disappointed to find the gym set up for a youth dance later that day. Frustrating. 

We did have the best breakfast ever at The Place (and even tried some new things). It's the best breakfast diner in town for sure. And we went to the bookstore for some bday festivities. And Rog cooked me dinner and it was a nice relaxing time. 

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