Tuesday, August 13, 2024

AZ Sunsets

 We have a lot of people who have recently moved away (suddenly and unexpectedly) that were part of the main corps of VB players for Mondays. So we didn't get to play this week, but we revamped our text chain to include some other interested parties, so hopefully we get back into it soon. 

Last drive up the Sedona switchbacks.

The devastation of the week was that Rog sprained his ankle pretty good. He was gimping around on it for a few days, did nothing I recommended, and will likely be back to play ball next week. 

Please note the plants that I have been
keeping alive, enjoying the showers. 

The thunder and lightning continue - followed by gorgeous Arizona sunsets. Rog and I took advantage and went on a walk together down our back road to admire the views and enjoy some time together. We also decided we needed to get back on the Come Follow Me train so that resumed this week as well. And we played Yahtzee. Sometimes we like hanging out together. 

The ol' classic. (With a rainbow). 

My fridge was still full of berries I collected, although we ate the strawberries straight up. They were delicious. Rog agreed that it was worth the trip just for that snack. But we wanted to jam or syrup the blackberries - which Kevin graciously tested from his own berry picking excursion and gave us the secret to pectinless, thick jam. I think it turned out ok, but I canned it all and sealed it, so we'll see down the road when our current jam selections are empty. 

Don't mind my squinty eye. 

The only other notable from the week was a trip to Mama Burger's (now Mama B's) - which was being renovated for over a year. The burgers are still TDF, the shakes are just good.

And a view :)

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