Monday, August 19, 2024

Serious Discussions

 Per the title, this week was spent on some serious discussions between Rog and myself. The first, and more easily resolved, is which gym Rog will attend. He is a social gym goer and has been wanting to start back up ever since last year's month long fishing trip (where he ate all the leftovers and didn't hike around as much as a typical hunting month). However, he and his boss have been putting off even getting memberships, so finally we sat down and weighed pros/cons of some different options in the area (including adding him to my plan). In the end, his boss surprised us by buying his membership to the gym closest to his home and Roger followed suit. 

Situation 2 that warranted some discussion is our housing. Rog is increasingly cramped in our 500sq ft shoebox apartment, although it does allow us to save some serious money. However, housing prices and interest rates being what they are, the best we could do (assuming my job doesn't cut my hours permanently) is a trailer with rented land. So instead, we've been chatting with Brandt about buying a plot in WY, sitting on it for 2 years while Roger finishes his apprenticeship and can get a plumbing license, and then either building or selling the land. 

The other notable of the week (other than work being frustrating as far as hours and payments and things I shouldn't have to worry about) is that I had another appointment to get my thyroid checked - which had been stable, and no longer is. Which explains why I've been freaking tired, but I got my new meds a couple weeks ago and they are kicking in now. 

Other than that, there's been a lot of family time. Roger's sister is on break from grad school and his Grandma had a game night at her house (that ended up being only Roger's siblings as even his parents were out of town). I found some weird spiders in our house and also my mosquito tormentor is back (to torment only me). And we've started watching the Deadpool series.

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