Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Eagle has Landed

Dear Parents,
We are happy to let you know your daughter arrived safely in Lyon.  She was met at the airport by President and Sister Roney.  After arriving at the Mission she had lunch, had her picture taken, took care of paperwork, and had an individual interview with President Roney.  Tonight she will have dinner with President and Sister Roney as well as the other missionaries that arrived today.  She will stay at the hotel in Lyon tonight.  Tomorrow she will meet her new companion who will be her Trainer. Then she will have training with President Roney and the Assistants to the President.  After the short training she will leave with her companion to go to her first area.  We will send you her address and companion's name tomorrow.
Please see today's photo in the attachments.
Thank you for sending us such a fine young woman.

Sister Jeppson,
Mission Secretary
Sister Hutchins with Pres and Sister Roney

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