Sunday, August 11, 2013

Ode to Soeur Layton

And now she cooks too !

     Fun French Fact pour aujourdh'ui: All buses are driven like tiny stick shift cars. Aka jerky. That being said, the roads they can maneuver with those buses are impressively tight. We drove on a but to Lyon today to pick up my new companion and the bus was stuck at a particularly tight corner. Mind you that these buses are coach buses and the roads are French roads. We did about a 50 point turn, but made it through and we all cheered.
Oh la la la la. 
     This week. We went to Ye Olde Annecy for P day and ate just about the biggest ice cream I've ever seen. We met with Cyril-the coolest ami ever! He is around our age and pretty much already lives all the standards of the church and asked tons of questions about the Plan de Salut. He's leaving on vacance for Lyon, but hopefully it's just temporary. We're turning him over to them for a bit anyhow. We tried to find our old and inactive branch president, address unknown and ended up going on at least a 6-7 mile walk. But we found a potential ami en route, so it was worth it. Saturday was Fête du Lac-which France spends as much money on as Hong Kong spends on Chinese New Year! Crazy! Hakim, our less active joined a band we saw. And my new companion Soeur Sovaleni doesn't speak any English! Awesome. Our P Day is kind of hurried today since a lot of it was spent transferring and whatnot. Here's a weir dexperience for you. We were trying to read scriptures with Hakim, and this woman walks up and starts talking to us-the best, right? We talk for a while and she is loving us, like about ready to take us home and adopt us. As she's leaving, she asks if my name has an equivelant in other languages. We end up explaining it's my family name, not my prenom. It was like we flipped a switch. She starts yelling that we are brainwashed and its a cult and yadda yadda yadda. As I told Soeur Layton many a time, I don't understand mean things in French. But we called her later and she seemed better. We were in complete shock afterwards. Yikes. Satan grabs ahold quickly, I suppose. DON'T LET HIM. That's all I have to say. Read the scriptures, pray, and don't fall in love with the missionaries.

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