Thursday, August 1, 2013

You Know You're in France When...

Sister Layton and Sister Hutchins
French is a language that is not spoken quite like English. It comes from farther back in your throat, and so most people here have much deeper voices. Its especially surprising in younger people, these tiny girls that could probably sing bass better than a man. Just kidding. But the transition from English to French is rough. Instead of my voice being lower, its like I'm going through puberty a second time. Its really high and squeaky and often gives out in the middle of a testimony. 
     This week we did exchanges with the Sisters in Gex. I love exchanges. I got to be companions with Sister Packard for a day. She's been here for a couple transfers now and they just dropped a bunch of investigators, so we had like four hours to contact! I love contacting. I love contacting when we set aside time for just contacting, anyways. I'm working on loving it always. You meet some cool people and get awesome stories out of it.
       Sister Layton was with Sister Christensen, who has all the mannerisms of Chelsey Cattelain. I felt like I was still in Utah when I talked to her. We met up at the end of the day to go to Zumba together. Somehow they got this activity approved because lots of nonmembers go and we can *spark* them. It was so fun. I have not felt that tired physically in a while. I'm tired all the time, but exercise is so good. Everyone else just enjoyed watching me dance like a ridiculous fool. As Soeur Layton says, <I've never seen anybody move so awkwardly. Its incredible.> Ill drink to that, but at least I have fun and work hard. At least I don't have to rely on my dancing skills to convert people. 
Castle Bridge
     Lets see. I ate a frog leg pizza. Our english student, Philipp bought us ridiculously expensive chocolates because he felt so bad for missing last weeks class. And we have two new amis! We met Agnes and her sister and kids when our appointment fell through. And Seour Layton met Cyril while visiting with Hakim, our less active. I haven't met him yet, because we were on exchanges that day, but he's apparently really cool and interested in the Plan de Salut and promised to read a chapter in the Livre de Mormon. I am so excited to meet him!
Alps from Geneva, Switezerland

      I've been reading in the war chapters in the Book of Mormon. I don't know why these have such a reputation because they're awesome! Captain Moroni and Helaman are legit! They are always preparing in new ways, according to the spirit, to fight the enemy and defend their lives and liberties. I always think about how Satan is trying new ways to tempt us and he tries to erode the walls we build up, or he lures us down the mountain to poison us by degrees. Don't do it. We also met a man who was really interested to talk to us and argue. The other sisters started kind of arguing back timidly. Luckily I also know French and I testified straight up trying really hard not to show him why his arguments were faulty. He was unwilling to even try to learn anything! That makes me so sad. We cant force people to live the gospel and get testimonies for themselves. That's Satan's plan, again. All we can do is present it, bring the Spirit, and pray for them to realize the truth at some point.

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