Sunday, December 13, 2015

It's Party Time

Sunday I made a last-minute decision to go to SLC for the Christmas Devo with Lauren, Chels, and Jared. Of course we then had to see the lights at temple square in the frigid cold. (Still not sure why it's such a big deal...)
But I did run into a bunch of people that I love, including Jacob Pettingill who looks, dresses, and acts similar to Jared, so it was fun to see them together.

Monday morning I got Jacob and some friends together to play basketball and it was so fun and I was smiling all day. Lauren and I studied a bit for one of our upcoming exams at her place after clinicals. All week my place of employment had treats for us in the cafeteria. Ronnie kept trying to get me to take bags and bags of cookies, donuts, and bagels. Holla back.
Wednesday I wrote and finished a 7-page paper. I did P90X. I finished all my homework for the whole school year, even for chemistry. Rachel May and I went to the BYU vs USU game and sat really close to the court. It was a fun game.
And we saw these old guys with binoculars. Classic.
Then she introduced me to the Canadian cuisine known as poutine.

Thursday Cameron Johnson came to town. We went to Malawi's for 2-for-1 pizza, which was delicious (Chicken/Bacon/Ranch and Thai Peanut). We dropped by the Roney's really quick to grab my centuries-old Bible page that I left there as well as a butt-ton of mission CDs to distribute.
We dropped by for the food portion of Caitlin Bailey's bachelorette party and caught up on everyones' lives. Then I showed Cameron some of the movies I've made while I joined into a conference call for RMATA.
Finally, we watched India's Russian Choir/Dance performance. One song was about a woman trying to work up the courage to fix her boots so she could go visit a cute boy in the village and as the girls were singing increasingly loud and fast, a cocky boy just kind of swaggered by.
We sat behind a terrible child. The parents finally got it to calm down and she just wanted to give her mom a kiss. Her mom let her kiss her on the cheek and the baby faked her out and licked her whole cheek instead!
Friday was my last day of clinicals for this semester and it ended with a bang: The Inter-Squad Track Meet. It was kind of fun to watch the pole vaulters and some sprinters. It was also a reading day and a bunch of friends played basketball again and it was super fun.
Lauren and I went to my Athletic Training party at the Blue Zone where we ate copious amounts of homemade Cafe Rio and taught my teacher how to Snapchat.
My class planned to have a sock exchange as part of the festivities, but only two of us remembered to bring socks. So I got some classy new BYU socks. (Which were really expensive in comparison to my $2 aloe-infused fuzzy Christmas socks.)
Lauren and Chels came over for a bit. We ranked countries based on how much we want to visit them. Lauren dressed up like Sisi. (Yeah, just say that backwards...)
We drank my white elephant winnings of sparkling pomegranate cider and toasted to being single forever. Then complained that we needed a man to help us open the bottle.

Saturday morning I took my practical exam. My teacher missed it the first THREE times I scheduled it. Fourth time's the charm, I guess. Hannibal came over for waffles and we caught up. I attended a chem review. Then, when I had plenty of time to study, I was really productive by cleaning my room, showering, cleaning the house, checking out the game notes on BYU vs Colorado.
Sarah Bagley and I tried to go to Kassie Schreiber's homecoming, but the GPS took us to a ski resort instead.
We ended up finding the church only 40 minutes late and just in time for the last speaker. Which was not Kassie.
That's ok, because we hung out with her and her parents and close friends for four hours afterwards and they gave us the SparkNotes version.

Then I visited my old roommates at the Villa and caught up on their love lives. Then Shiboi and I went to Ben's for dinner, where I realized where I get my weirdness from. We had a delicious Joy-cooked meal and watched Home Alone for the first time. And realized why our parents never let us watch it.
My roommates and I hung out at Christian's house and played Headbandz. He gave us an official tour. And I chatted with his mom for a long time. She's great.

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