Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A Fun Surprise

Week 2 at the Prescott VA - and the weirdness continues. We did get in 2 good patient days and an amputee clinic before my CI left on a longer weekend. I spent Thursday working inpatient, but since they split the job into Covid/non-Covid (essentially splitting a 1-person job between 2 people), we only had 2 patients. But Ted and I had a great time and I shadowed a few other therapists in our spare time. 

At the Curtis residence.

Friday I was only in for a few hours, so I was working with Char, a niche OT who specializes in behavior and mental health. Rather than helping with ADLs, she aids in group craft projects designed to improve patient positivity in addition to physical health benefits. For example, I took a personality test that said my strongest traits were: humor, spirituality, love of learning, curiosity, and leadership. (My lowest was love, but no need to get into that.) I then spent my time making a collage cup with pictures representing these traits, 3 things I like about myself, and 3 goals I have. 

After the cup was finished, I headed down to Phoenix, picked Maddy up, and drove to day 4 of our PNF course. Val was down for a bit and between her, Kay, Gatewood, and Gillian, we had the best time. Exhausted, learning so much, and avoiding the people we didn't love. Her parents were nice enough to provide dinner (twice), where I ran into Becca/Keaton (once). 

He needs a friend to live with. 

We also got to hang out with Jeff and Brandee, who supervised me in replacing my MAF sensor. We stayed with Brady and Kelly, who are both delightful and reasonable humans (with an unreasonable interest in Dr. Gatewood's hands). And I did some preliminary research on basketball shoes. 

Monday was Columbus Day (or Indigenous People's Day), which the government considers a holiday. So I did not have work. Instead, I drove straight from Phoenix to Flagstaff, ate fajitas, and had a temple interview (part dos). I also discovered that Roger's jests about buying me two little friends was real. Awesome. 

Name suggestions?

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