Monday, December 28, 2020

JS 2020

With the Chins still in town on Sunday, we had our own Sacrament and played so many games. I hit my quota for the next 5 years. We also recorded a song for Xander's mission including authentic chin choreography - which was going well until the Dadso konked his noggin on a light fixture he had warned us about moments prior. 

The classic jumping pic. (One take). 

Our next adventure was to Sunset Crater (which we planned on only visiting briefly, but Greg wanted to go to the top - which you can't actually do) and Waputki - which has tons of well-preserved ruins that we explored just a little before celebrating 2-days-before-Joseph-Smith's-birthday at El Tapatio again. 

The girls at the crater.

We then headed to Sedona - without realizing that it was the winter solstice and the hippies had organized a dance party at Cathedral Rock (our original destination). So the lots were full and we decided to try another hike a mile down the road. Which was fine, and 2/3 cars arrived. But then we found out that the Chin had typed in "red rock" to his GPS instead of "Cathedral Rock trailhead" as instructed. Our only saving grace was that Lauren had to go to the airport, giving up her parking spot to a very angry dadso. 

Our JS Bday celebration 2020. 

But after spending our time venturing off the trail and exploring and climbing like mountain goats, we had to decide whether to venture into the town or head to our next stop: Jerome. We chose that. And explored for bit before getting some Haunted Hammy's. Our ghost tour was then unexpectedly cancelled. Still waiting for details on that...

Christmas 2020. 

Kev and Trev stayed behind while the chins returned to CT. They went hunting with Roger - returning as 'No Kill Trev' and 'the Bone Daddy' with 7 quail and 1 dove for dinner. Which almost rivaled the ham and mashed taters that we had for Christmas dinner. We tried to connect all of our Christmas gifts to the gospel, excluding repeats, but then K/T both racked in 8 shirts each and it got boring. 

"Look up!"

Then we met up with the Sandalls at Jackass Canyon for a Christmas hike. It includes a whole lot of downhill and sliding and climbing. 

My big fishy. 

And fish. Which we saved 15 of for a nice dinner. I should eat more fish, but only when it's cooked by Roger bc 10/10. 

The sum totals. 

And No Kill Trev was no longer. 

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