Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Roger goes hunting (and I lose 2 toes to frostbite)

 Now that I'm back in Flag and living with all my own stuff and I have some time to myself, guess what I'm doing? If you said studying and Roger's dishes - you are correct. What a life I lead! For the record, I hate studying with a fiery passion and am never going back to school again because it is the worst. 

The highlight of the week (for someone, I'm sure) is when we went hunting. If you've never been hunting before, here's how a trip usually goes: 

4:00 Wake up, hate your life. Put on 80% of your clothes and grab some hot chocolate to go. 

5:30 Arrive at your destination. Put on the remaining 20% of your clothes, with the camo's on the outside. Walk to a blind, preferably near water. It could be 0.25 miles or 3 miles, but you have to be set up at the site BEFORE the sun is up.

The pictures I take of him. 
6:15 Watch and wait. Don't make any sudden movements and preferably none at all. Even though you're in a blind - they can hear you and smell you. So now that hot chocolate is useless, your legs are cramping and you can't feel your left foot. 

9:00 Continue to watch and wait. Maybe you see some deer coming to water. Maybe elk. Whatever it is, it's probably not the species AND gender that you are looking for. But it's cool to see something happening, because you can't open the book you brought through your 3 layers of thick mittens.

11:00 The sun is out, but you can't tell because you're in the shade, where only the frigid wind can get you. Eventually, your hunter buddies will have to eat or pee, so you probably won't be here much longer. 

The pictures he takes of me. 

12:00pm Warm your frostbitten extremities in the truck slowly. You will go through several different stages of pain. It's normal. And it's snowing now, which seems like a good time to follow deer tracks. 

2:00 Well, you didn't get close enough and now the deer are bedded down for a nap and will be very challenging to find. Also it's snowing harder now and there's a chance your vehicle will not make it back to civilization and you are not prepared to camp here. 

2:30 After running back to the truck, you begin your way back to civilization and a nap. You've earned it. But not too long. It all starts again in a few hours for the evening hunt. Good luck!

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