Sunday, September 18, 2022

Roger's Dream Hunt (part 2)

This week I spent a lot of time editing and uploading my new YT series on brains for all the aspiring PTs out there. I've been getting really positive feedback from viewers, so that's encouraging. But it still takes a lot of effort to get this stuff on there. 

I had been praying for Roger to get this elk named Neil on Thursday. I figured that would be enough time for him to enjoy his hunt and really feel like he got his money's worth. (for real though.) And Curtis had a dream that he shot an elk on the 15th, which would have aligned perfectly with my plans. But, Roger let himself get convinced by Ryan to go to a completely different spot that night, and he is still elkless. Am I mad about it? Yes. 

It's been a crazy work week as well just in cancellations. That's probably the worst part about this job - I have to schedule everything myself and all my patients (who are supposed to be available 8-4) will only let me come certain days and house and everyone wants to be seen in the afternoon. Ugh. I want to be done in the afternoon. 

The way to camp. Sadly treeless. 

I went to camp on Friday night, but I was mad. I drove almost all the way to camp before being told the camp was moved to the other side of the mountain. So I drove all the way back home, finished my work there, and then drove to the new camp. We had hot apple cider and s'mores and I ate an entire pizza by myself, so that was good I guess. 

I woke up late and wrote some ideas in my idea book before I forgot. Rog and Stu and Ryan got back to camp around 10 and we shared a late breakfast. Then I went to the gym. I'm trying to fix my squats, but my ankles don't bend and my knees hate it, so it might take a while before I get up to real weight again, which is frustrating. But it'll be better in the long run. 

As far as I know, Rog is still elkless, so pray for him and maybe he won't be dumb this time. 

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