Sunday, May 7, 2023

I don't like watching things.

 I'm still sad about the gym closing at the end of May, and so is everyone I know that goes there. I'm thinking the next best will be FAC, but it sucks. I've had the thought several times - well what do I have to stay in Flagstaff for NOW? But we have no immediate plans to move, so there's that. 

I was in charge of YW this week with just the younger girls. Last time, we had 2 girls. This time we had 8, which makes sense since we were making cobbler and playing around the world during the cook time. Everyone was so impressed when I told them to hit the corner of the square to make a layup, so that's how you get in with the kids for anyone wondering. 

I did a few runs this week and I'm feeling pretty good with my new running style. It's still slower than I want, but I cut 3 minutes off my 6mile run this week with no lingering knee pain afterwards - so that's all I can hope for. The knee pain mid run can be debilitating and really killed me for my last 2 runs of Ragnar last year. 

Speaking of which, Becky and I had a late-night hangout to get our Ragnar teams fixed up and do some planning and have a heart to heart. She's got the cogs turning for me, so there might be more to do on that front. 

My work drama is that our PTA, who we don't love and who we can only trust about 30% of our patients to, who has been unreliable of late and finally decided to go part-time instead of full, and THEN decided he wanted a ridiculous raise (so he makes more than the PTs) is being very unhelpful and I'm over it. Anyone know any PTs or PTAs looking for PRN work, send them my way. 

We also had our mock survey this week (where a visitor comes on one visit per clinician and makes sure we're doing stuff the right way). I think it went well, but we won't have the full report til next week. I was somewhat frustrated with the "2 minute interview" that lasted over 20 and all of her questions - which were vague, looking for a specific answer. 

Rog planned to take me on an uphill run so I could get some elevation under my belt, but he refused to wake up in time to get it done Saturday morning, and we spent the rest of the day trekking out to the temple and back. Apparently nobody knows that you can go in the celestial room without having to do a session immediately prior. Also, love the new temple vid. Way better, way clearer, let's go P Nels.

Church was church. Somehow I got added to the music text list, so if I ever have to sub, they are gonna have to sing the hymns about 10x faster than the current dirges. After church, we had some banging burgers and watched part of Willow. Then Rog wanted to go watch the game and was begging me to go all day, so I went and read a book.

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