Sunday, May 7, 2023

Turkey Hunting

The big news of the week is that MY GYM IS CLOSING. I am devastated. It has everything I want - boxing classes, Oly lifting, and just a superb variety of spaces and equipment that are kept really nice by one of the co-owners, Brian. He does work. However, apparently they got a stupid good deal to take over the space and the equipment, but if a boxing bag or two goes missing in the next few weeks, I won't tell. 

am i annoying yet

We ate a new restaurant, Dirty Birdy's where Rog and Stu were apparently expecting to watch the game, but it wasn't a vibe, so we ended up at Grandma's. Let me be real though, watching sports, not my fave. I would 100% rather play than follow some random old guys who don't know what a travel is. But alas, it is a favorite hobby of most boys and Grandma could use the company.

The company leadership was in town this week to renegotiate our contract with the hospital, so they decided to join our weekly staff meeting as well - only 40 minutes late. They then made the mistake of telling us that we could go to them with whatever requests we had. I asked if they wanted the list of demands now or later, and they chose now. 

a bunch of fishies

The other fun event of the week was joining Rog for a campout with his friend Collin, and his dad Jeff. They were out looking for turkeys, which I didn't want to be a part of. But I did want to eat tinfoil dinners again. 10/10. I spent the night and left the next morning for a productive day of cleaning the whole house, running, showering, and then going to a movie with my friend Rachel before settling down and working on my side hustles. 

the biggest fishy

After I went to Stake Conference alone (relevant because the week prior, Rog gave a talk where he 'realized that he needed to be in church on Sundays and not fishing' which I have yet to see evidence of) - I joined Roger for a fishing trip at Ashurst and we have been reaping the benefits using our smoker and saltblock ever since. 

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