Sunday, January 28, 2024

Flagstaff Real Estate

The good news is that I'm feeling pretty good other than being dry from Flagstaff winter. My allergies and sinuses seem to have cleared up and my appetite is back and I'm almost sleeping through the night - I'm basically a functioning human again. I played volleyball with 2 full teams, went swimming at my gym's indoor pool (one of the few perks of changing gyms), and even hit the weights.  

Rog has been subbing for a few teams for city league since his boss - who planned on running a team - forgot to sign up in time. But he's had fun with that and one of the team captains is a mortgage lender and let him in on a house for sale, off market, in a great area. 

We went and visited the house on Thursday. It's currently owned by someone graduating from the PT program and would make an awesome rental. However, it is around 900 sq feet and costs almost $400K and they're taking the washer/dryer. The nice parts would be a ton of extra storage space in the garage and shed, a dishwasher, and more room than we have now - with a small yard even. We met with the mortgage lender on Friday just to crunch some numbers and it's probably not going to happen unless he drops the price a good chunk, but at least we know where we're at. Maybe if he's desperate enough, he'll drop it $50K. Thoughts?

Apparently the well got disturbed and I thought I was
washing my hands in my own pee for a minute. 

Normal water for reference
(in a dirty sink)

Rog is getting antsy here, but mostly because he feels weird about taking up space and doesn't have a sturdy table to hammer away on projects. And has to stop hammering when the downstairs kiddos go to bed. I have a few other ideas about how to find a little more space, but it's definitely cramped up in here. But also Flagstaff real estate is insane, so I'm not holding out hope for buying anything here.

I had another appointment this week with some blood work required. The good news on that is that the Chick fil A app offered a free 8 piece nugget box, so I picked that up on the way to give about 10 hefty vials. Yeesh. 

Rog got his truck back from the shop and was able to take it hunting and drive it to work this week. It had a few issues starting until he cleaned the battery ports off real good and we're hoping that's all it needed, but we'll see. He also was complaining all last week that he couldn't go hunting because it was in the shop, and then slept in on Saturday! I told him he had to get out and hunt because I was sick of him whining about it. 

That left me some time to do some cleaning of our fridge and pantry, put some groceries away, and collect a bunch of boxes that Rog has been keeping for no reason and expired things to get rid of. And I did laundry. And organized a bunch of papers I was collecting into the files they go in. In between all of this, I've also been working on a few book projects - 2 of my own and 1 for Hannah. Hopefully hers gets published and finalized soon because I'll need her artistic abilities for my book projects. (They always need illustrations or covers or something that I don't trust myself with). 

YW will hopefully go better now that we've had a meeting (that actually seemed to accomplish some things). And now our tasks seem more equally distributed. I would not be mad, however, if we did move and it took us to the other stake, where that house is. 

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