Sunday, January 21, 2024

I'm Reactivating Myself

Rog had a rough week last week, and although I had the bulk of my turn over the weekend, I've still spent the last week recovering and trying to get rid of all my symptoms - my sleepiness, my congestion, and that nausea-inducing post nasal drip. Ugh. A lot of hot showers and meds and I even ordered a modernized netti pot. I haven't committed to it yet, but it's there. And I did miss church and volleyball for that mess. 

It's largely been a week of making sure leaders are leading. One of my coworkers had a spouse unexpectedly pass, so we were a bit concerned about other people stepping up. After a quick chat with some higher ups, we feel a little better about the support they will provide to make sure stuff gets done - and gets done well. 

The other side of this is church. A lot of our YW (and leaders) have been having a hard time. The last president provided so much communication and support and it's hard to replace that. But we had a meeting today, so I made sure that was addressed. And I convinced myself and Bree to attend the combined youth breakfast on Saturday. 

Which was good, because that was the only thing we did that day. I was a little antsy, but probably needed the rest. Rog was sad that his truck was still in the shop and he couldn't make it quail hunting - but we actually feel like the problem is being addressed this time, which will make it possible to do so next week. And he just wanted a lazy day. 

The other news is that we bought a new freezer that Doug is letting us keep outside his shop (since we can't fit anything else in our apt). And we have SO much room. So we made a hefty shopping trip and Rog has been meal prepping. He already has several pans of lasagna and enchiladas in there. I'm not sure what suddenly spurred this on - other than having the room to actually do it - but he says he's trying to keep me alive when he goes on his work fishing trips lol. 

I did make curry. And grilled cheese. And a few smoothies this week. I can actually access the fruit portion of my stand up freezer to do that now, which is really nice for me. 

Rog and I had a great CFM discussion this week (although Rich did spoil the surprises for us haha) and I went to a stake YW training. The irritating thing I learned there was that our SPy has banned all stake activities for kids ages 11-13. So stake primary activities are ok. Stake activities for 14+ are ok. But this group is banned. Obviously, I schemed with the YWPy's that showed up to make my own "joint ward" activities for this age group. What a freaking joke though. 

We also had Rog's parents in town, so I picked up some grub from Asia Station and we enjoyed some quality cuisine at our apartment with them and Stu. We had a good time chatting and eating and chilling. 

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