Sunday, July 28, 2024


 We had 10 people commit to volleyball and only 6 show up, which was both unusual and disappointing, but we played some good game this week. And I got to go to the pool again (which is tricky because you have to schedule a lane in advance but can only do it 3 days early and people are fiends for scheduling but then often don't show up, which I'm mad about - but also because it's Flagstaff season for unpredictable thunder and lightning). 

This is also the season of renewing all my licenses and insurance which is expensive and annoying because the process changes every year. But I'm officially still a PT, so that's good. We're selling our Mazda to some family and it comes off insurance next month so we have a deadline for that now. 

Pretty views on the drive. 

The drama at work is thus: Basically we've spent a lot of money/resources training new employees who immediately quick after training because their expectations don't match reality. So corporate is giving us a hard time for being over budget, which is why I'm driving to Cottonwood/Sedona 2x per week - so their office is paying part of my income. And even though we figured out the Flagstaff office was accidentally paying one and a half people's salaries that don't work at this site anymore on accident, apparently it doesn't matter. 

Most of our quick to quit employees are NOT on the PT side - because we make sure our fellow professionals are prepared and informed as best we can about the realities of the job. So usually they either quit faster or stick around long enough to actually make the company some money. Which is important because Cottonwood asked me to train their PT, which I only agreed to with very specific stipulations regarding my own productivity. 

So that's what I've been working on at work. 

Roger had a bad week since he couldn't play basketball on Monday due to construction and is currently fighting some pickleball ladies who are hogging the stake center gym for more than their fair share. But he got to go on an archery competition shoot with his buddy Daniel the whole day Saturday and has the entire month of October booked for hunting trips (and probably more, honestly). 

Meanwhile, I got another box of peaches to can. And I still have a few jars left if I want to do applesauce again. (Hard to beat if I can make it up to the free orchard during season.) We also made a delicious new potato recipe and started the LOTR trilogy (extended only) again. 

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