Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Happy Anniversary (among other celebrations)

 Monday was the first day I took off work for sickness in over 2 years. And I masked up the rest of the week, but it was a rough time with chills and fever and sounding like an adolescent boy. Also blowing my nose a lot and getting the hang of a modified nettipot. 

Side note as far as work - we've had a lot of new hires that we spend 2 months training up who then quit as soon as they start working in the field because the expectations given during their interviewing doesn't match the actual job. Which starts to add up (or subtract really, when it comes to our branch profits). With this history and some wishful thinking, we hired a new PT. The other PT and I made sure to take care of her and give her accurate expectations and good training, but now we don't have enough patients and corporate is coming down on us for it. We're all taking the hit in different ways, but mine is that I have to drive down to Sedona/Cottonwood 2x per week in order to stay at full-time. At least in the temporary. 

Aside from that though, our anniversary was Wednesday. Which I only realized halfway through the day because I kept having to write out the date. And Rog was kind of mad about because he was going to surprise me with treats and then make fun of me for forgetting dates like that. (We still got the treats, don't worry). 

the classic photo

We ended up going to TX Roadhouse - Roger's favorite place - and it was the busiest it's ever been. Plus they typed in Roger's number wrong so we were waiting way longer than we should've but he didn't want to ask them about it and I was letting him be in charge. The good news is that we got to go explore Sportsman's across the parking lot while we waited and met a version of Sean Connery's character in the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen at the gun counter. And since Rog wanted a whole porterhouse to himself on this special occasion, he got to eat my leftovers the next night. 

By this time, Rog was feeling a little sick too, but not nearly as bad as I had it, which I was grateful for. But then we had a whirlwind of a weekend. My friend Sam was up from Mesa, so we had an early Chick fil A dinner and catch up on Friday afternoon, when I got off work. Then I had a scheduled massage gifted to me with my girl Veronica, who does something magical to my traps. And Roger's sisters were in town, so I met them for second dinner at Carol's house where we chatted until it was my bedtime. 

Saturday, we had a special surprise party for Carol's 65th birthday - so a lot of family was in town and we helped out with that. At the same time, I had some friends passing through Flagstaff and so they crashed with me and helped us celebrate. Shoutout to Rachel & Kassie for hitting me up and everyone else for letting them crash the festivities. 

We stayed late hanging out with family like Becky - the world's best party planner - who bombed down from Wyoming for the trip, and Roger's sisters who were in town for the weekend only. So Sunday was only a recovery & church day. We napped for most of it, but made it to church & a missionary homecoming dinner party complete with outdoor volleyball that Roger even played. And we made it home with an entire sleeve of Oreos, which I ate in one sitting. 

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