Monday, February 22, 2016

HBD: George Washingpuns

Happy birthday to one of the great fathers of our nation! We love your contributions and your sass.
Feel free to play the above musical masterpiece straight from the history books. And by that I mean the new Broadway play called "Hamilton". Which is wonderful and so lyrically clever. (Don't tell Lyndsie I said that.)
Q: Why did George Washington have trouble sleeping?
A: Because he couldn't lie. 
 Q: What do you call George Washington's false teeth?
A: Presidentures.
Q: What do you get when you cross our first president with an animated character?
A: George Washingtoon.
Q: Was George Washington handsome?
A: Yep, he was George-eous.
Q: How does George Washington speak to his army?
A: In general terms.
Q: Which of George's officers had the best sense of humor?
A: Laughayette.
Q: What was George's favorite tree?
A: The infantree. (Obv not cherry...)
Q: What's George's favorite tea?
A: Libertea (Obv not the kind they dumped in the ocean...)
Q: What do you get when you cross George Washington with cattle feed?
A: The Fodder of our Country
Q: Where did George Washington buy his hatchet?
A: At the chopping mall.
Q: What would you get if you crossed George's home with nasty insects?
A: Mt. Vermin
Q: Why did Washington use his hatchet to chop down a cherry tree?
A: His mom wouldn't let him use a chain saw.
Q: What did Washington say when he was crossing the Delaware?
A: "Next time, I'm going to reserve a seat."
Q: Why did British soldiers wear red coats?
A: To hide the tomatoes.
Q: What did King George think of the colonies?
A: He thought they were revolting.
Q: What do you get when you cross George's head piece with a teepee?
A: A powdered wigwam.
Q: Did you hear about the cartoonist in George's army? He was a Yankee Doodler.
Q: What was the craziest battle of the Revolutionary War?
A: The Battle of Bonker's Hill.
 Did you hear the one about the Liberty Bell? Cracked me up.

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