Sunday, November 20, 2016

Outta Yo Hair Quicker Than Yo Favorite Shampoo

Sunday was Friendsgiving at the Yellow Brick Brothel. It was delicious and so filling that people had trouble eating the desserts that Hannah and I brought. Which meant more for us throughout the week. 

Wow. Quel class. Much posh.
Westes came over to hang out and make some brownies with me. I like him - he’s super chill. And he’s somehow already discovered the Derek-Naomi friend dynamic. By that I mean he comes into my room and won’t leave until we’ve had a nice chat. That’s how most of my real friends are made.

BYU basketball played Princeton this week and it was a nice game. They thought they were prepared for the backdoor, but they definitely go burned at least 2.5 times. We still won though and some good basketball was played.

Sliding into the comfy chairs with ma gal Britt.
Derek gave me his tickets to the premiere of Fantastic Beasts. Which meant I got to talk to him for like an hour when he dropped his tix off. Which is good because the Derek-Naomi friend dynamic has temporarily reversed roles. 

I took ACon with me to the movie, and after a slight mishap involving confused locations, everything went swimmingly. There was unlimited popcorn and beverages that we profited from. Not to mention the movie was great - potentially even better than the actual Harry Potters, due to the lack of expectations for this one. 10/10 would watch again.
In addition to having already downed several drinks
and boxes of popcorn, this was our take-home.
About to smash this line of coke.
Thursday was another game against Coppens for BYU basketball. I met up with my friend Chris there and we watched from someone else’s seats, as usual, so we could avoid the student section. I have mixed feelings about Mika despite how good he is, but I’m looking forward to some good ball by Elijah Bryant, who is intriguing both as a human and a player. 

Friday I took an Ortho test and didn’t do too badly. Just in time to go to a French activity. I have to get 3 in this semester, with my limited time. I skipped a poetry night and a movie with the football team to be there, but it was fun. I snuck Joshie in for free to the BYU vs. Montana hockey game and we ran into Tyler and his wife! (Tyler is his brother, and an old friend of mine.) I was voting for Montana, but they got crushed. Why did this count as a French cultural activity? Canada. 
This is my teacher, Dr. Flood. 
HOCKEY! is a sport.
BYU football played UMass at noon Saturday. I was prepared for the frozen adventure of my life time and was utterly disappointed. With all my layers, everything but my hands were warm. And all the players made fun of the snowboarding gloves I was wearing, but they also didn’t have to hold bottles of ice the whole game. It was a fun sideline experience - lots of sass, way more smack talk than usual, and such an efficiently run machine that we had some down time (that we didn’t get yelled at for taking). 

Early morning set-up crew.
Our coats are puffier than your favorite cheetos. 

I was so tired at the end of it that I didn’t end up attending BYU basketball vs. Coastal Carolina, which we also won by a bunch. Instead, I watched at home with the roommates and vegged out on a couch. We were all in the same mood: ready for Sunday and a week off from school.

Oh yeah. And the trainers and equipment guys all did the mannequin challenge. Eh, bah, voila: 

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