Sunday, September 17, 2017

Crazy Ideas 6 Days for 10

Procrastination is the word of the week. It's especially applicable to the final step of my grad school applications (aka the essays...). And made easier by a really good book series. The essays are getting done tomorrow.

FHE was combined with our whole stake - writing letters and making bracelets for active-duty soldiers. Keaton and I wrote a great letter that was mostly a symbolic picture of America. It will be appreciated, I think.

Apparently AZ sunsets are the best?
I actually went to Institute this week. My guy, Rod, was surprised that I actually came back. I love Jesus, Rod. I just work an hour away and get off after Institute starts. A bunch of miracles need to come together for me to get there.

I skipped part of work this week to go to a luncheon (for work). I'll be starting an AT outreach job with a community FB league on Fridays. There's a lot of work I need to handle before I feel comfortable doing that.

Thursday was the busiest day of my life, but also Jersey day - where I don't have to wear a collared shirt to work. So, worth it. And I even made it to some kid's birthday party and had a chat with Jake/Autumn before the night was through.

Sneak peak into Grug's future.
My good friend, Alex Miller, (who I've met barely twice in my life) had a birthday party this weekend - the big 2-1. Naturally, I brought the booze and was surprised nobody else thought of that beside Alex, who provided a keg. But his friends are the literal nerdiest kids I've ever met, so it makes sense. It was a good time, with good burgers, and a lot of sass and smarts I kept on the DL.

I have a new calling, FYI. I'm now co-in charge of all the activities we do. Which means I need to actually go. Thus, early Saturday morning, I headed out to Cameron's ranch. He's an archery teacher, so he instructed us on how to archery, and I got consistently worse as my arm got tired. Then Carson made us some bomb AF burgers and a few of us swam in a pool for a few hours. (Hence my facial sunburn today). Then we watched a bunch of movies, including "Naked" - which is funny in an overly corny kind of way.

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