Sunday, August 26, 2018

The World Is My Plate

There's so many things to do in this world and I want to do all of them. Is that too much to ask?

The chins went out to the Mystic Seaport - where we caught Poké's AND learned about Viking life. Honestly, I thought the Viking exhibit would've been cooler, but I got some good ideas for different cultural beliefs for my (upcoming) novel.

"I'll do whatever. Unless it's something that I don't want."
Stop Two was at the Aquarium (which I found discounted coupons for during my early morning (literal) run to Dunkin Donuts). I love animal facts and I want to touch everything. The poison dart frogs were super cool and the sea lions were decent breakdancers. Also, if anyone takes me on a date to play with penguins, I will probably marry that person. Bucket list.

Attracted by the intricate mating dance.
Shennsley helped me drop Greg/Mac off at the airport (and by that I mean she made sure I was going to the correct airport). And we listened to murder podcasts and talked about my favorite book series that she's now reading. Get ready for all the feels.

Another majestic creature in its natural habitat.
I also made sure that a day trip to Boston was on the list. Per Kelloggius' intricate planning, we started off with a self-guided tour of the Taza chocolate factory where hair nets are NOT required, but we like them anyways.

She literally hated this whole thing.
We then met up with ol' deek for sandwiches. Favorite part: the facts about Uranus in front of the toilet. Wish I came up with that. Also the bread. And the extra loaves of hobo bread that mom bought.

Moriah gets in weird moods sometimes.
Supersize! Quack Quack! That's right, ya boi's took a ride on the infamous Duck Boats with our favorite spitting superhero. These boats take you all around the city of Boston by land AND by sea. And he even let us take turns driving.

Muy dangeroso - see, my Duolingo classes are paying off.

Half the family headed home while the rest checked out Quincy Market and by that I mean Kilted Colin's underwear. He was a hilarious street performer that did the kind of show I imagine Derek would do. We got free samples of chowdah, found the penny presses, and drank smoothies. We dropped Shan off and headed home. 

I also like dinosaurs. And stole this hat. 
Wednesday was chill. We ran a few errands. Bought a few things. Did laundry. Packed. Stole only minimal things. Went to the airport. Watched B99 until mom came BACK to get me since my flights had to be changed due to inclement weather. Got chinese food that really hit the spot. Went to bed. Woke up three hours later to go back to the airport. Finally made it to AZ by noon on Thursday.

Looking as smart (as we can) for the professor's bday.
 At this point, I'm really just dreading school. I've lived a good life with minimal responsibilities and lots of free time and actual money to do cool things. Now that's all going down the toilet. So I postponed my move again so I could visit my old friends, run some errands, chill with Hannah, play ball with Keaton, and sleep on a real bed. Then I woke up at 5 to get to orientation Friday.

Which was fairly useless. I could've done it better in 20 minutes. But the good news is that I got lots of free food and made some friends. One even volunteered to show me "The Full Andy" so I can't wait for that.

I unpacked, went to the store, did my HW (already), slept on my mattressless bunkbed for 12 hours, watched a lot of B99. And I went to the combined ward BBQ and made two (2) friends, if you aren't including people older than 50. Counting it as a win.

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