Sunday, September 2, 2018

Week One Done, Hallelujah.

It took me three days to get over my intense rage about being back in school with no money in this backwoods town in a freshman ward. I'm mostly okay about it. My best friends in the ward are the bishopric and service missionaries and I'm really good with that since they fed me every day this week.

Some of my DPT class showed me where to find the gym, day 1. I'm a little disappointed at how far it is. At my undergrad, all my classes were in the building with the gym, which was 5min from my house. But its still very walkable, lol.

This is Jeremy, a pallid bat that eats scorpions. (Thanks Planet Earth II).
Unfortunately, you can't keep him as a pet bc the emotional trauma will cut his lifespan to 1/25 normal.
The FHE grandparents split us into tribes Survivor-style and tried to have us do a 5-way tug of war (which I did not participate in bc my knee was still pretty sore). Turns out that was good since all the carabiners SNAPPED - at different times, and they just let them keep going... One girl got hit in the head with one of the broken shards of metal and had a nice goose egg within thirty seconds.

I also played some volleyball with the crew and wasn't overly disappointed at the competition. Plus a kid offered and tried so hard to order me a pizza - the delivery guy just couldn't find us. And I was sleepy.

Basically all my spare time has me studying or avoiding studying. But I have a lot of anatomy to review. And the rest of B99 to watch.

Real food, real effort. 
Friday was a nice release of my frustrations. I went to a party at the institute with snacks and games for a couple hours. Then I met up with the crew at country dancing lessons WHERE SOME GUY LIFTED ME OFF THE GROUND. So that was terrifying. We hit up another bar for some real dancing and ended with Hawaiian BBQ. And I feel much better about life.

These guys already got my back and showed me Eminem's new FIRE album. I'm HYPE. I listened to it all day and even wrote some stuff myself. And used my instapot for the first time. #Adulting

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