Sunday, January 6, 2019

Another Dam Post

Last week's church was a good segway into the changes for this year. Jake, Mason, and I helped prepare food during SS and during 3rd hour, everyone just introduced themselves and helped set up chairs. We then enjoyed a delightful meal prepared by the Mangisi (sp?) family. After a nap, I went to game night with the Fishers and Gillilands and also finished my trebuchet.

Stop pretending like you're surprised I'm on
the front page of the church's website. 
It snowed super bad all day on NYE, so I was worried about going down the mountain (around sharp curves with no guard rails and terribly cleared roads). Instead, I drank an entire bottle of Martinelli's and worked on a short story I'm writing. (Which are never short enough.)

10/10 would do again. 
I worked a few times this week and committed to an ATL gig next Saturday. I also really wanted a grilled cheese, but didn't want to go to the store, so I made my own bread for it. Delicious.

This is also a repeat venture. 
 I took a trip up to Nevada to visit Hannah & Markies. They had a lovely apartment, even if the idea of having neighbors is less palatable. We chilled and Markies made some great crunchwraps and watched Django Unchained, which I'd highly recommend if you can stomach some violence.

Hoover Dam, pretty decent view. 
We hit up the St. George temple and ate at Olive Garden and did some shopping. Hannah didn't even throw up or pass out once. She did absolutely demolish me at Scrabble, but what else is new. She learned some sneak moves from the Mimster herself. We watched some Leo in Man in the Iron Mask and barely stomached half the actors. But if you're gonna hate people, it's nice to have someone to do it with and these kids are good for that.

I knew I had to make this dam trip. #worthit

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