Monday, April 15, 2019

Birthday Month of Fun

It's a busy week that started with a presentation at the AT/PT Journal Club on the sole article investigating the anatomical use for the champagne toast test over empty can for isolating the supraspinatus. As usual, more research needs to be done. But no donuts remained to be eaten, you're welcome.

All my spare time was allotted into studying for the upcoming bulldozer of a neuroscience exam. It's going to wreck all of us, but we gotta try.

Best burrito I've had in a while.
Wednesday I had my last dentist appointment ever and it was not good. Despite arriving 20m early, we started 40m late. Then I they found a cavity for the first time in living memory. So they fixed it and cleaned my teeth and overcharged me by a RIDICULOUS amount and wondered why my blood pressure was so high.

Lizzy came to volleyball this week and did wonderfully. They put such an emphasis on getting people who "know how to play" but sometimes we just need effort and an ability to get it over the net. You don't need to know the fancy ins and outs of positioning as long as you can consistently serve. Bless up, Lizzy.

My man Tim, aka "Doc". 
Early Thursday morning, I braved the terrible PHX traffic (fraught with construction and minor accidents) to make it to RMATA out past Scottsdale. And it was wonderful. It's great to see old friends, make new connections, and work together as ATs. The classes mean so much more as a practicing clinician and some were even a great addendum to my neuroscience studies.

The neural tension and taping labs were also a good break to normal classes and I got to see the BIGs at work during the business meeting as we approach our Sunrise/Sunset of licensure and get the opportunity to alter our practice laws. I was also amazed at how smart everyone was. Now that I understand a little bit more, it was fascinating to see how in-depth their research and knowledge are.

Friday night, I got the most delicious burrito from SeƱor Taco and took a nap on Joe Bale's couch. Then we met up at the church for a super intense game of spoons. Marissa and I caught up a little bit and Brodie told me about his favorite memory with me: he was eating a piece of cheese, I walked up and bit the end off straight out of his mouth, and walked away. Meanwhile Bishop watched the entire thing in shock.

Becca and I had a little sleepover on the mountain before Hannah's wedding Saturday morning. It was nice and small and simple and there were so many nugs and cupcakes that were all very delicious. What a boss. She deserves to be so freaking happy.

I went back to the conference after grabbing a few plates of food and made it through the last couple classes before the big Hall of Fame banquet. This was my first year in attendance, but it was well worth it. The food was gourmet fancy and had plenty of red meat. I questioned some of the bigwigs who were dual certified about why they were not involved in PT's sister organization, the APTA. The consensus was that it's hard to support an organization that historically has lobbied very actively against the NATA. That's a fair response.

Sunday night, we had a little shindig at Brandi's house with peanut butter frosted chocolate cake and brownies, but no ice cream. We played Psych, which I hadn't played since the last time I was at RMATA with the kids from BYU and we were stuck in a very boring presentation. It was a lovely time with lovely folk.

Couldn't quite measure up to my best birthday ever with this kid. 

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